Chapter 6

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When I woke up, my throat burned so bad that my first reaction was to yelp in pain. I grabbed my glass of water and took a huge drink, which may I add, tasted hot and awful. I rolled over to my side, and turned my fan on. I decided to get up and get ready for school.
Once I was ready, I went out to my car, and lit a cigarette before I took off. The nicotine pushed all the stress out of my veins, and let the happiness and relief in. It was actually so soothing, up until I saw Evan. He was walking down the other road, and I slammed on my breaks. Before I could get a good look at him, he disappeared and I was left with curiosity and my thoughts.
I walked into the school, and stood by my locker, waiting for the bell to ring. Victoria approached me, and stared at my neck for a quick second. I started to panic as she opened her mouth.
"What is it? The medieval times? I don't understand the necklace."
I laughed and wrapped my fingers around the crest.
"My mom gave it to me, it's a family tradition, you eventually pass it down." Lies. All of it was lies. She kind of smiled, then walked off. I stood there alone until the bell rang. I walked to class, and locked eyes with Derek as I sat down. I wasn't too happy with him. He flashed me a smile and waved. I gave him the biggest go to hell look, and I had a finger that I desperately wanted to raise, but decided not to.
The class started, and Derek was watching me closely until Mr.Flanders started talking about fishing, deer hunting, and any other hunting activity that was known to man. Which, it didn't bother me in all reality. I got an easy A and first hour made life easy. I was honestly going insane in that class, and within thirty minutes, I was called out and into the office. The secretary told me that my mother checked me out and I was to go home.
When I met her back at the house, she's was sitting in the living room in silence.
"Collin, I don't have much time left, I need to leave. So here's why I asked for you to come home. I'm going on a cruise, it's a 2 month cruise. You're 18, I honestly believe that a baby sitter isn't needed." I looked at her in awe, but I just nodded my head. I didn't care to ask who she's going with, because in all honestly, there's a new guy weekly. So I tend to stay out of her love life. She gave me an odd look, and her tone tightened.
"Okay, I'm leaving now. Here's the emergency contact numbers to reach me, don't call unless you absolutely have to." I nodded my head as she handed me the piece of paper.
She stood up, and she was on her way out of the door. I started tearing up as I followed her. It never really occurred to me that I'd be without my mother for two whole months, any time soon. She sighed and a sad expression swept across her face. She reached out to me, and wrapped her arms around me. My head was nestled in the crook of her neck. My mothers long hair draped my face. I haven't received a hug in the longest time. She walked out of the door, and I was alone. For two longs
My mother mentioned that I didn't have to go back to school, so I threw myself into the recliner and began to think. I haven't seen Evan since this morning, or so I think. Why would pinning me up against a wall, chasing me through the dark woods, and threatening to kill me, make me want someone so badly?
My hands darted up to the necklace, and I toyed with the crest, making me think of Evan even more.
I decided I needed a cigarette, so I grabbed the pack of cigarettes out of my coat pocket, and grabbed an old pop can, and lit a cigarette. Addiction is such a bad thing, if you think about it. I crave for cigarettes, just as I crave for Evan. He honestly could kill my slowly, just like a cigarette, and I'd never know until the damage was done. I couldn't take any of it back, or rewind time.
My attention was caught when there was a knock on my door. I decided it wasn't anyone important, it probably was the UPS guy, or the mailman letting me know I had a package or something. I searched for the remote, I need background sound, since I'm here all alone. I put my cigarette out, I only smoked half of it, and stuck it back in my box. The knocking became more rapid, I sat still. It eventually stopped, and I heard footsteps become more distant until they vanished.
It started getting chilly, so I wrapped a blanket around me and snuggled deep into the recliner. Honestly, there was nothing interesting on, so my last resort was the news. The weather was on, but Evan was all I could think of.
The living room window opened, and I saw a dark figure climb in. I must of drifted to sleep, because it was now dark in my living room. The only thing lighting it up, was the glow of the T.V. The figure towered over me, and spoke in a raspy voice.
"I thought you were fucking dead, Collin."

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