Chapter 7

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He glared at me, and never blinked. Evan was in front of me, and he was furious. It was completely silent, and all that was heard was his heavy breathing. I thought he didn't breathe..
"No, I'm still here. Alive, and breathing." I said, in a quite sarcastic tone. He gripped the sides of the chair, and still stared at me.
"Collin, don't ever fucking ignore the door again. Next time I will rip this house to fucking pieces." He yelled at me. He was screaming, in my face. I pushed him back, and sat up in the chair.
"So, not answering the door, means I'm dead? Hmm. Clearly I'm not. Maybe I just don't like answering the door when I'm alone." He glared at me, and let out a sigh of frustration.
"You don't understand. Just be careful." He kept yelling at me, he wasn't saying one calm word. I started to choke up, I fucking despised it when someone was mean to me. It's the one thing that I just cannot stand.
Evan sat down on the couch near me, and leaned back. I stared at him, and we made eye contact. His eyes were a dark brown, and it made him look awfully harsh.
"Get out. Get the fuck out of my house. Now." I screamed. I got up and towered over Evan this time. He began to laugh, and looked at me and smiled.
"Are you sure you want that, baby?"
"I'm pretty fucking sure what I want, and I don't want."
Evan stood up, and pushed me back a little. He was outrageously tall. He literally could look down on me, and I had to strain my neck to look up to him. He caressed my face, and held his hand there for a second. His hands traveled down my neck, and to my necklace. It rested in his palm, and I could feel him moving it around. I was preparing myself for him to rip it off, I mean, I did just tell him to get out.
Evan sighed, and kissed my forehead.
"You do know that necklace... it's to protect you. There's a lot of harmful things in the real world, that you just don't know about yet. You're so fragile, and beautiful. A lot of things could hurt you. I can only protect you from a handful of things. But it's better than nothing." I looked at him like he was fucking crazy. I don't even know him, all I know is his fucking name. He could pass for 25, and sure the fuck could be someone that escaped out of a mental asylum.
"Evan. I don't know you. I don't want this necklace. Get out." I raised my voice, and tears started falling.
"No." Evans voice was stern, and his face was harsh. He scanned my face, and his expression let up a little bit, once he realized tears were rolling down my face. I wiped the tears away, and held my face in my hands. A pair of hands, grabbed my face, and lifted my head up and I met Evans dark eyes.
"Collin..." I looked at him with a sad expression.
"We will get to know each other. I'm not going anywhere, I just want to be friends. I want to make sure you're safe, all the time. I honestly don't care what you have to think about it, I will always be around. I promise."
I gave him a look, and thoughts began to flood my mind.
"Honestly, I've known you for two days, and I feel like I've known you for a hundred years." He laughed, and I gave him a quizzical expression.
"Why are you laughing? I just told how I felt, and you fucking laugh in my face." He stopped laughing. Surprisingly, all that fucking boy does is laugh.
"It's an inside joke, Collin." I looked at him for the longest time. I sat down on the recliner and left him standing. My stomach began to growl, and I realized there wasn't anything to eat here besides.. well, basically nothing. Evan was in front of me in a split second and we were eye to eye.
"Want to go get something to eat?" Evan rose his eyebrows, and smiled. His had the most dazzling smile, and I never realized how much structure he had to his face.
"I'd like to, yes." I looked down at my hands, and I watched one of his hands slip into mine, and he pulled me towards the door. I slipped my shoes on, and we walked to his car. He had a sports car, which I figured. He's seems like the douche type. He opened the door for me, and I hopped in.
He slid into the drivers seat, and turned the heater on. I turned on the radio, and all of the stations were old rock stations. I glanced over at him, and he was smirking. I left it on a hard rock station, and leaned back in my seat. He was rubbing under his jaw, and had one hand on the steering wheel.
"Hey, Collin, do you want to see something cool?" He rose his eyebrows and glanced at me.
I'm debating on even answering, he probably is going to do some stupid stunt. But I decided to let him show off for me.
"Sure." As soon as that one word came out of my mouth, he punched on the gas and the tires screeched. He looked over at me, and wouldn't lose eye contact to look at the road. My eyes widened as soon as I realized what he was doing.
"Are you fucking stupid or something?" I screamed at him. His musical laughter was all I could hear over the car. He never stopped looking at me, my eyes flickered from him, to the road. we were on the highway, and this was pretty fucking dangerous. When we had to exit, he looked at the road, and never took his eyes off.
"Seems like your heart rate settled, want to see another cool trick?" I stared at the dash, and completely ignored him, I'm not up for any stupid shit. I looked over at Evan, as he closed his eyes and pulled into the restaurant. I screamed, and his hand met mine, and he squeezed it lightly.
"Oh, you're fine. Quit panicking, trust me."

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