Professor Snape is a Git

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"Good Morning Colin!" said Emma from the bottom of the Gryffindor stairs.

Emma and Ginny insisted that they were going to wait for their other new friend. The other three girls decided to wait for him as well.

Colin trotted down stairs "Morning Emma, Morning Ginny, Morning Demelza, Morning..." he stopped when he ran out of names.

"Colin, this is Vicki Frobisher and Natalie Fairbourne." Said Emma.

"Hello Colin."

"Hello Colin.

"Morning Natalie, Morning Vicki." Colin said causing the girls to laugh at his continued ennthusiasm.

The five girls and Colin made there way through the portrait hole with the intention of going to breakfast.

"That's strange," said Emma "wasn't there a corridor that we had to pass over there."

"No idea, this place apparently takes a while to navigate though." Said Ginny "It must be roughly in this direction."

Ten minutes later Hermione went down the girls' staircase and found her two best friends waiting faithfully for her, it was good to be back.

"Morning boy's, I think Emma and Ginny have already gone ahead, there room is empty." She said apologetically to Harry.

"That's alright, Em' knows she can come to me anytime she wants. So long as she's happy there's no problem. Besides I don't think Ron is as clingy to his sister as I am to mine."

"To right mate. But you were probably right about them riding with us yesterday, I wish my brothers had been a bit more supportive last year." Said Ron

Harry and Hermione smiled at Ron's human, much to his ignorance, then the three of them made their way to breakfast.


"Face it, we're lost." Said Demelza irritably.

"We're not lost, we're on the fifth floor..." said Natalie

"I thought you said third?" snapped Demelza

"Well I..." said Natalie

"Uh maybe if we try going this way again?" Said Colin

"We tried that way four times, it's not the right way." Said Vicky.

Colin and the girls had been trying to find their way downstairs, they had conveniently forgotten that the castle layout adjusted itself every day; or in the case of Demelza, Colin and Emma had not been told and were now finding out the hard way. As such, the six of them were currently standing on a floor that they couldn't agree the number of.

"Things would be distinctly easier if these stairs didn't change all the time." Said Ginny.

"Maybe we should head back to the Common I and ask for directions?" said Colin.

"How?" said Emma "We've passed so many doors and corridors we've more chance of..."

"EMMA?" called a voice from above. The six of them jumped and looked up to see Harry, Ron and Hermione at the top of the Grand Staircase.

"Harry thank god!" called Emma

"What on earth are you all doing there? You need to head to the Great Hall." Harry shouted.

"We've been trying for nearly fifteen minutes now. But corridor to the Grand Staircase from the Common Room disappeared and..."

"That corridor doesn't exist on a Wednesday, or a Saturday!" said Harry "You need to go through a passageway that leads to here."

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