The keeper of keys and answers

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Harry and Emma were confined to the cupboard for three weeks when the school holidays started. However after a few days Vernon begrudgingly let them out for meals after it became apparent that the only alternative was starving them to death which, regrettably, was a legal grey area.

However with the arrival of the holidays they were allowed out of the cupboard and spent most of the summer days away out of the house. The main reasons were that Dudley's gang tended to hang around the house and the sellotape on Harry's glasses was already being used at a ridiculous rate. After the summer though, things at school should get considerably better. For one Dudley was going off to Vernon's old private school "Smeltings" meaning that, at school at least the Potters could be Dursley free. However the downside was Harry and Emma were going to spend a year apart, the latter still having one more year of primary. But what neither of them realized is that Harry would never set foot in Stonewall High School, the local secondary, nor would Emma.

It started when a letter addressed to Harry, including the address line: "The Cupboard Under The Stairs", arrived towards the end of July. What was weird was that, despite protests from both Potters and an unusually excluded Dudley, Vernon confiscated the Letter and burnt it, claiming it was addressed to Harry by mistake.

"The letter was not sent to him by mistake it new we lived in this cupboard." Said Emma.

"IT WAS A MISTAKE." Roared Vernon, who had taken it upon himself to visit the two Potters in the cupboard after the first letter had arrived, "Now listen, the two of you are a bit big for this cupboard now so Petunia and I thought it would be nice if you moved into Dudley's Second Bedroom."

But another letter arrived the following morning. This one was addressed to Harry again but this time it said "The Smallest Bedroom" as the precise location of the house. Harry, Dudley and Vernon got into a scuffle over the letter which resulted in Harry, and, by extension, Emma being sent to their room.

"Is there something you're not telling me Harry? Do you have a guardian angel or something?" asked Emma after the pair had been sent to their room.

"Not that I know of, if either of us has guardian angels then they're not doing a very good job."

"I don't know? I think my guardian angel does his best under very difficult circumstances."

"Who are you talking about?"

"You! You git."

Harry smiled and pulled his sister into a hug. "Your Guardian Angel is defiantly no good!"

"Harry. You are a good angel" She admonished, she then leant her head against his shoulder and softly said "I'll probably never be able to tell you how good you've been to me."

On the plus side of things though, the next few days proved to be highly entertaining, as more and more letters tried to make their way to Harry, though he still wasn't able to get hold of one to read. Furthermore, Vernon and Petunia were acting almost civil towards them. Sure Dudley still got larger plates of food but Harry and Emma found themselves given more slices of Toast for breakfast and soup to go with their sandwiches at lunch, as a result they were able to become a little less skin and bone, but still skinny nonetheless.

"I still wish I had my letter." Said Harry After a nice filling dinner one night.

"Me too but I can't remember the last time I was so full." Said Emma sadly

The Letter's started finding new more ingenious ways of trying to reach Harry. First, after Vernon nailed the letterbox shut, they started flying through open windows and under the front door and on Saturday rolled up inside two dozen eggs. However things really got out of hand when on Sunday masses of letters started pouring into the living room via the chimney. Harry immediately leapt into the air and grabbed one, but he was tackled by his uncle who forced the letter from his hand. Emma also tried to grab a letter but Petunia grabbed both her wrists hand held them above her head where she could see them.

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