Act 18;; Insecurity

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He swung me around in his arms as we reunited at the airport. One month passed since we split up, and thank goodness he was free to pick me up after being told there was a chance he wouldn't be able to two days prior. I nuzzled into the curve of his neck as he buried his face into my shoulder while we embraced. I never knew how long one month could actually be, and I certainly didn't expect the time to tick slower than usual - even when I kept myself busy.

"Oh, wait-" I parted from our embrace. "Why is it that you're allowed to be out here in the open?" I asked as I worriedly looked left and right and around us for anyone who could possibly recognize him, despite the beanie to cover his hair and the sunglasses to hide part of his face.

I barely recognized him too.

"I met some outside, but the security guard helped me distract them while I hurried inside," He explained. "I'm pretty sure not everyone can tell it's me, then again, you yelling my name out is a dead giveaway."

"Hey, that's not my fault!" I argued back while playfully slapping his arm.

"You've been here before, right?"

"Yeah, but it was a while back."

"Can you speak Japanese?"


"Then we're going to blend in very well!" He grinned from ear to ear as he scooped my hand and swung our arms in the same direction. "Here, I'll take that," He added as he took my only luggage from my grasp, also initiating to grab my sling bag, but I kept it away from him so that I didn't rely on him to carry everything for me.

I'm not a damsel in distress, you know.

Minho always teased me about being too independent for my own good. Before we dated, before we even thought about being in this relationship, and well, after the break up, he used to say that the reason other guys are scared to talk to me and ask me on dates was because I came off as intimidating. I'd argue back that no matter what anyone said, I didn't need to change for some guy. And I guess Minho liked that about me.

Even when he's tried a couple of times to protect me out of reflex.

"So there's this thing I wanted to ask you before you go to watch the showcase tonight," He began to talk to me again after going all quiet on the way to the dorm they're staying at.

No, I'm not staying with them. His Manager arranged for a spare bedroom with the team they brought along from Korea too.

Anyway, I tilted my head towards him, kind of curious what he'd like to ask me. He didn't look at me though, instead, he rubbed at his wrist and fiddled about with the bracelet that matched mine. I squinted my eyes and nudged him to hurry up, and he asked, "It's not going to be awkward for you to see me showing off my body, is it?"

"H-Huh-" I coughed.

I've seen him perform before. I've also seen him without a shirt on during the beach trips with our group of friends. So I'm not sure what he's on about.

"I mean, you haven't seen me perform-"

"-Um, yes? You made me go to your first SHINee World concert at Seoul, so, it'll be nothing new to me." I corrected him before he went on, but that didn't stop him from asking, "But you didn't like me then, so what about now?"

What did that mean?

"Don't give me that look... Ugh, let's not talk about it. Forget I asked about it ok-" Minho sounded a bit embarrassed talking about it, and I hadn't even considered him feeling a bit insecure, since I have seen photos in tabloids of him having tendencies to take off his shirt and dance.

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