Act 14;; Birthday

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I had to go to an unplanned trip to Incheon on my birthday, it wasn't for class, it was more that my Mother went and I followed along instead of my Father, who clearly found a reason not to go by using my Brother as an excuse. Anyway, because of that, Minho decided to take me on a date on Tuesday, right after class to make up for missing out of celebrating on my birthday - and apparently, he'd already asked Hyomin and her Parents to let me off work for the evening just for the occasion. Although he didn't meet me at the campus, he told me to meet him back at SHINee's dorm, which I assumed that was because he had a schedule prior, but-

"Minho! I'm outside. You better hurry, it was already a struggle to get through the paparazzi and fan girls outside," I hastily said through the phone, slightly out of breath. "Are you at a schedule? I'll come back later-"

"-No, no, no, open the door!" His deep voice yelled, but he sounded busy, and proved so once he hung up on me. The buzzer at their door rang through the empty halls and I quickly let myself in, making sure to lock behind me.

The last time I visited SHINee's dorm was when we were caught a week or two ago, and since then, I've found ways to avoid his invitation. I have nothing against his group members, but it was just embarrassing having to go through that. I was convinced this time around because I actually thought he had a schedule, but-


"-Come to the living room-"

"-Um okay?" I slipped off my shoes and took off my yellow cardigan, letting it dangle at my forearm as I wandered through the small hallway where they hung their many jackets and stacked their shoes in the racks along the way, and it certainly clarified that there were boys living in that dorm.

The closer I got to the living room, the more my nose filled with the aroma of food. It didn't have a particular flavor, but it was definitely food. I work near food, I love food, and once I got to my destination, my jaws dropped at the sight of food... And well, Minho too. He sat comfortably on a cushion behind a small, rectangular table - that looked to be a fold-out - which had a carefully laid out set of side dishes, a few uncooked meat, a barbecue grill and some juicy pork sizzling already atop of it.


He flashed one of his signature smiles before he placed the chopsticks down and wandered over to me, pulling me into an embrace where my face was smothered against his chest. I had one of those moments where I couldn't compute what was happening and why.

"What about your group?" Was all I could come up with as soon as he took a step back, and he leaned closer, but not too close, and he looked me in the eyes and said, "They all have schedules, and I asked for this favor."

"And knowing them, what do they actually get in return?"

"I have to do the same for them tomorrow."

"So, you have to treat them all like your girlfriend?" I joked, giving him the wink and a poke of the tongue.

Minho gave me a little grunt, still grinning though, but he obviously hadn't taken it seriously. I chuckled as did he before he slid his hold off my shoulders down my arms and grabbed a hold of both hands, he then led the way to where he sat and pulled a cushion right next to him, clearly suggesting that I take that very spot. It was cute, like how he planned everything and had proven to me - time and time again - that he really liked me. I liked him, but I don't think I've taken that extra mile like he has, and it was clear to see that he was truly invested in the relationship.

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