Act 13;; Story

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"Minho-ssi, tell us your story."


"Of how you and your girlfriend met."

"Oh, that story?" He shyly smiled, his eyes lowered to the floor as he pondered. What would he say, where would he start, and exactly how would he say it. Everyone stared, jaw dropped and curious as he looked up and said, "I don't think I'm allowed to tell that story."

"W-What? Why?" The host gasped. "Does your girlfriend not let you tell everyone?"

He shook his head, his cheeks tinted pink as he shyly his his grin. "It's not that-"


"Because I haven't told her our story yet."

"What do you mean?"

He sneakily looked into the camera and replied, "She thinks it's from the time when we became partners at a school project, but it's not even that."

The host waved his hand about, frustration spread on his face.

"I can't tell that story yet."

"Why not?"

"Because I need to tell her first."

I dropped the remote as Hyomin dropped the tray, we both stood with our mouths opened, bodies frozen and our eyes widened from shock. We were cleaning up from another night of work, and thanks to Hyomin's reminder, she played the episode of some variety show Minho appeared on earlier this week. Hyomin said she had to record it and show it as she overhead the other waitresses gossip that it was a juicy topic about Minho and I.

I saw and heard why.

My jaws literally dropped, who knows how ridiculous I looked, but the face I made proved I was as shocked as Hyomin. I didn't understand what story he was on about, and I honestly did think that the way we met was how we truly got closer, but I guess not. I must've been wrong this whole time. I must've missed some sort of introduction or something. I'm not quiet sure how to comprehend what happened.

"Hana, what story?" Hyomin asked.

"Yeah, what story?" I asked her back.

"Well, if he hasn't told you, then when will he tell you?"

"I don't know," I murmured, rubbing at my other arm as I added, "I don't see him until later this week, when he gets back in Seoul."

"Maybe he'll tell you then?" She cupped at her chin and stroke it with her thumb, she pondered for a moment and suddenly exclaimed, "Oh! We'll be seeing him at Yurin's party right?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"What if he says it then?"

"Oh gosh..." My cheeks felt warmer and I couldn't help but wonder what he's going to share. There were a lot of scenarios playing in my head as to how he'd tell me, and there were certainly ways he could embarrass me too. Minho's proud of our relationship, he's always bragged and boasted about it away from the cameras, but what he said on that show was the first time he ever mentioned us - let alone me.

Hyomin wrapped an arm around me, giving me a good side hug before she said, "You know, at least you have something to look forward to on Friday."

"Yurin is going to love it, you know that right?" I moaned. "It's not going to be a private conversation."

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