Act 2;; Media 1.0.1

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"We're running late-"

"-I know, I'm so sorry-"

"-It's okay."

I peeked up from the side as we stood beside each other in the cramped train, Minho kept a positive front and smiled at me as soon as we made eye contact. The reason why we were late to the meeting with his management was of me, when I told him I'd meet him back at my apartment, I was caught up in a group study that didn't realize the time and we ended up meeting at the University campus instead. I felt bad, I should've put an alarm on.

"It's okay. To be honest, Hana, I was late getting to your apartment too." He confessed as he reached down and slipped his fingers between mine, holding onto my hand as he added, "I nearly forgot."

"You don't have to do it all the time."

"It's more convincing."

I chuckled and raised our intertwined hands to about my eye level, which is his shoulder length, and examined the sudden comfort we both got after the practice run two days back. It kind of helped when I imagined he was an actual boyfriend, but our interaction with each other were still at the level of our friendship. There were a lot of people around us in that train, a few students stole glimpses our way and whispered to each other, and I could only imagine what they said about me.

"See," Minho blurted out. He must've noticed what I was looking at as he explained, "If no one whispered about us, then we are failing the plan."

"I supposed." I muttered under my breath as the train stopped and we dashed out without another word.

I don't know how we managed to run from one end to the other with our hands locked, but we did it, we made it into the management building, signed into the visitor log and I got a fancy badge that made it loud and clear I was just a guest. I'm not particularly amazed at the insides of the building, considering that I've been there twice already, but, I supposed I was still in awe at the fact there were going to be idols somewhere in the building. My insides were feeling giddy, the nerves were in a jumble and there weren't any signs of them going down, and the hairs at the back of my neck and down my arms were standing. I'd often say that I didn't care so much for famous people, but it was a different experience when they were there in person. I mean -

There. Were. Idols. In. That. Building.

"Minho-ah, where are you rushing off- Oh-"

I peeked from behind and noticed a few members from Super Junior peeking from behind a door where the sound of their songs blasted from the inside, I wanted to faint, but the thrill of the rush shot adrenaline to my star struck state and continued to run on. About a couple floors up and seven doors to the left, we made it... Barely.

"So close-" I heard Minho pant as we let go of each other's hands at the same time and bowed forward to the four management people, and we were still out of breath.

"Hello, you must be Yee Hana." One man spoke, which signaled to tell us to stand up straight.

By then I took the time to scan the space of the room, from the cold, white walls to the debut posters from each of the groups and idols they managed under their label, and smack bang in the middle, four middle-aged men in suits with pen and paper laid out on the table space in front of them. They all eyed me and Minho as we kept still.

"Please, take a seat," Another man spoke, he beckoned to the two spare seats at the head of the meeting table.

Minho held out a seat for me before he sat down to my right side, both of us exchanged awkward and uneasy glance as soon as we sat down. My fingers nervously fiddled about on my lap, my posture stiff and my whole body so unrelaxed. We were there together yet still feeling alone, the whole vibe of the room was tense, the older men were probably the same age as my own Dad, but they were stricter looking.

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