10. Suspected

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I looked back, seeing a tall man in a slick fitting red suit. "Yeah, you!" He yelled out to me.

"Me? What did I do to you?'" I asked, approaching the man.

"Hanging' around the back of my buildin'! Causin' trouble!" He yelled.

I paused my movements. "I'm sorry, sir. I will leave immediately."

"Be right, homosexual druggie!" He yelled and turned away from me.

"Homosexual was right," I paused. "But I don't do drugs.."

He turned back to me, quickly walking close to my face. "Your existence is sin!"

"My sexual preference is not a choice." I spoke softly.

The man rolled his eyes. "Oh really?"

"Even if it was,' I paused in thought. "Being what I am is much more fun."

"But you are a pedophile, right?!" He shouted.

I shrugged looking back at him. "And you're a republican, right?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, looking back at me with scorn in his eyes.

"Means exactly what I said," I smirked at him. "Because it's only common knowledge by looking at you."

"Well, you're not wrong! Get your stupid drugs and self outta here before I getcha arrested!" He belittled me further.

    "Fine." I said simply.

    I got out of the way of this man's business, and quickly decided it would probably be the best to just get on with my life. Then I realized something I hadn't thought of for a long time now. I haven't seen a psychiatrist in almost forever, heck I haven't seen one at all at any point in my lifetime. Maybe I should go visit one and see if something is actually up with my head and hopefully I will find out about what it possibly be wrong with me. Though, there couldn't be that much wrong with me. I hoped.

    I made my way walking through the buildings, my thoughts wondering as to who dragged me. And why? I could've dealt with the odd mist... Yeah, never mind in that thought. Maybe it would be better not to try and go mess with the black mist spitting mystery group. Yeah, that sounded pretty good right about now. I came up to the psychiatric building at looked up at the sign that read in bright white words 'Dr. Len's Psychiatry.' I nodded slowly and opened up the front door, peaking inside.

The room was fairly empty, chairs lining the walls and a desk with a woman standing behind it in the corner. I almost nearly got knocked out by the sudden tsunami of cinnamon body spray. I coughed quietly into my elbow and made my way up to the desk. The woman sitting there didn't react to me at first, just staring off as if she didn't even notice that a new person had just entered the room. I snapped in her face in attempt to get her attention and she looked away from her staring spot and averted her attention all onto me, since no one else was here.

"Yes, hello. Do you want to see Dr. Len?" The woman politely asked, looking up at me as she was somewhat shorter then me.

I tilted my head. "I don't even need to set up an appointment?"

She laughed it off simply. "That's what I was trying to ask you."

"Oh okay, then yes I do, please." I said nodding that I understood.

The woman nodded and handed me a stack of a few papers. "Fill these out and we will get your information figured out and contact you as soon as it's possible to get you into our office."

I took the papers one distill and absentmindedly grabbed a pen off of the woman's desk. I sat at one of the chairs near the wall and glanced over the papers. At the top it read 'FILL OUT QUESTIONS AS IF IT WAS ONE OF YOUR WORSE DAYS.' I nodded and looked down the page, seeing it all seemed like it actually wasn't too much to fill out and get done with. I wondered how I answered these questions would affect with what they had to do with my mental health. I started answering the questions as time passed.

1. I do things slowly- Quite a lot, 2. My future seems hopeless- Very much so, 3. It is hard for me to concentrate on reading- very much so. I paused and took a breath in, number four.. The pleasure and joy has gone out of my life- moderately. 5. I have difficulty making decisions.- somewhat. 6. I have lost interest in aspects of life that used to be important to me.- definitely. I shook my head and took a quick break, looking up from the paper. The pencil shook a bit in my hand and I continued answering the questions.

7. I feel sad, blue, and unhappy.- Somewhat, 8. I am agitated and keep moving around.- definitely. 9. I feel fatigued.-Quite a lot. 10. I cannot think straight when agitated- Very much so. 11. I am not sure what is the difference between reality and fantasy- Sometimes. 12. I am afraid of- I stopped there. I quickly scribbled my answer. I answered that I prefer not to talk about loosing people. I got up from my chair and walked over back to the woman's desk, shakily handing the papers and pen back over to her.

"You're done already? There's at least 30 questions on there.." She said, a tone of doubt in her voice.

I shook my head. "Read the papers and you'll know. I'll come back once you call me back, I wrote the information on the top of the paper."

"Okay.." She said, and shook her head.

I nodded and moved away from her desk, turning towards the door, watching someone else walk in through the door. I payed little to no attention and walked outside once they had entered. I walked outside, and looked around taking in a deep breath of non-toxic air. It felt good to be outside again and to see the light of the outside, I wasn't much of the type of person to be cooped up inside new territorial buildings. It would usually take me a while to get adjusted, then I would move on from acting awkward.

"Hey, Kieran! Wanna hanggg?" Oh great, it was him.

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