3. Jenna

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    I was thrown back into the past. I looked around my surroundings, a green and fertile backyard. A young child with short, white hair ran past me. It was Jenna. Jenna is supposed to be dead. He died last year. Why is he here now? Walking in front of me? I watched myself walk outside of the house behind me. I suddenly realized this was much further in the past. We were only children at this time, this definitely wasn't at the time that Jenna died at all. Was I seeing Jenna's life?

    "I gotta go now Jenna!" My past self practically yelled in my squeaky child voice.

    Jenna looked back at me and wore a frown on his face. "See you later, bro!" He spoke calmly back but loud enough for my younger self to hear.

    "Don't forget about my car!" My younger self spoke, getting into my parent's car.

    My car.. My car! Worried thoughts ran over and through my head. Immature alcohol consumption mixed with a car was just a great combination, now wasn't it? That decision I had made last year. The reason I decided to never drink again. Also the reason why I can never look at the site of the crash without feeling a sense of dread and guilt wash over me. Why was I being showed this. The stupid grey hooded women was going to ruin my life, was she? No. I wouldn't let her get the better of me!

    The scene changed to a dark alley a few blocks away from a bar. My past self walked out of the bar with Jenna holding my hand as we walked over to the car. I... remember this. It was our first date together and I had ruined it by suggesting to go to the bar. Jenna was all too nice and had agreed with my oh so brilliant plan. He trusted me way too much. He trusted me with his life, and I ruined the opportunity with a simple mistake. Maybe I could stop it now. I ran up to my one year younger self but simply slipped past through myself.

    My year younger self didn't seem to be effected and continued. "Hey, Jen-chick, wanna ride? I love you." I spoke, my words fumbled together.

    Jenna looked to me. "I'm a male. You're a male. Stop calling me a chick, but yes, I do want a ride please and thank you. I love you too." He spoke, his voice soft.

    My year younger self nodded, opening the car door open for Jenna which followed in Jenna sitting in the passenger seat. I closed the door for him and got into the driver's seat and hastily buckled myself up. Me, my present self, was dragged into the car and sat in the back of the moving vehicle. Would I feel the blow of the crash too? Would I see the face of the person I had ran into, and see their life be thrown apart as well? I wasn't all too sure until I saw my year younger self pull into the interstate road.

    My year younger self collided on impact with a small black Chevy car with only a woman driving in the front. I saw everything in slow motion like you would in those no texting and driving commercials. The windshield cracked into thousands upon thousands of pieces, some of them flying in front of the car or flying back towards the seat. I watched the look on Jenna's face quickly turn to worry. I saw him get thrown out of the car despite the fact I only had a few glass piercings and a broken leg.

    I should've been less fortunate. I should have been the one to be paralyzed from head to toe. I should have been the one to be killed on impact of the ground. I should be dead, not Jenna. It was all my fault. I watched his limp body lay in the grass as I was forced to watch ambulance arrive and drag his corpse into the back, as I under no control followed. I watched them desperately search for a sign of life on him. A heart beat, a breath, a sign of life, a peak of hope in the dark tunnel that ended all too soon.

    Nothing. He had left his identification with the bartender who had most likely abandoned the information by now. For all the hospital workers knew, he was a corpse they needed to burn. And so it was sent to the morgue without even any news appearing or headlines about this. The body was burned and forgotten about, simple as that. Then it all went black and suddenly started flashing random images of people. People dying, leaving, falling, drinking, eating, even doing mundane things appeared before me.

    "Why are you doing this to me?!" I shouted out, to no avail.

    Then Jenna appeared in front of me, undamaged from the crash but noticeably a little more aged. "I love you too." He spoke, reaching a hand up meeting my face and leaning close to me before stopping. "Too bad you're going to die."

"Wait, what?" I spoke, obviously confused by his statement and wording.

That's when the illusion all came crashing down on me. I was back in the house, looking back at the dark grey hooded woman looking right back at me. I wasn't going to die, was I? I had to have some hope. I had to live. I don't want to die alone, I don't want to die alone. I'm not going to. I'm going to die with someone, I told myself and looked back over to the group. Then the woman grabbed my face harshly and moved it towards her. She pulled out a white notebook with a single black dot in the middle and handed it over to me alone with a pen with a single stripe of purple tape.

"Who... Why?" I spoke, obviously confused by this act she had committed.

"If you can can control this next person just right...." She said, looking up at me.

I made a face. She closed her mouth and looked to Eoh. She nodded slowly and a slight smile appeared on her face. She obviously knew something that I did not, at this point it was evident to me. Well, actually, that had been evident to me for quite some time. I wonder what this all really meant in the end. Was I supposed to be whoever she wanted me to be? Was I in control now? Just as I asked these things, I felt her hand disappear off of my face. I quickly turned my attention to her, and watched the woman and the rest of my fake reality flow away into ash. Except for me.

They're were soon replaced with one single person... Jenna?

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