9. Moving On

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     I was scared, I had tightly closed my eyes to not witness the events that had just so happened to unfold in front of me by the very simple reasons of bad luck. I moved away from the scene, my eyes still tightly closed. I turned away and reopened my eyes, the harsh lights of a car speeding my way flashed in my line of sight. I had no idea which direction this car was going to go, so I quickly dived to the side to avoid the car coming towards me. I did not want to be crushed so this was the best way I thought to do so.

    The car turned, as I was only actually on the side walk and I hadn't even realized it. I was surprised to see that the person inside of the car had not stopped or slowed down to see what the heck a kid that looks like they should be graduating leaping away from the car on the sidewalk? Then again, it wasn't too uncommon in my small neighborhood for drugs to go around so they might have just assumed I was seeing things and could care less about my mental and emotional health at the time.

    Which made me feel very great at that time to say the least, I was being abandoned by the side of the road by a random driver even though to me that actually didn't make that much of a difference. Maybe they did actually care about my situation but did not bother to stop and check on me because they might've had kids and a loving wife or husband at home waiting for them. Then it hit me, why I must have been treated this way by everyone around me and why I was being left behind by almost everyone I have known.

    I was being selfish. I was thinking of my own life and putting myself ahead of things that were more important behind me as if they didn't even matter in the first place. I was making myself the victim when really other episode were with worrying about, I should have realized it sooner all the ways I had been thinking about myself and others. Maybe now since I had realized this, my life would change? I doubted it, actually. Oh yes, Kieran noticed that he has actually been a bully this entire time, big whoop.

But how would I ever make up for killing two people's lives because of my own selfish feelings, I wasn't sure how I would ever even get close to that. I was obviously just another face in the crows that had to make up for being an absolute horrible person. Maybe, now that I was thinking, I didn't have to ever make myself look better for the sake of others, right? That's right, I was still a person that was worthy of other people's affection, who cares if I just so happened to kill some people? Zy.

    I was still worthy of other people. I was not crazy, and it was not my fault that I killed my mother. My father simply played with my temper so in a way he deserved to die, so who was I to blame? I was just an innocent student about to graduate with at least somewhat good grades. So, obviously, I must deserve some kind of empathy. I wasn't going to. I wasn't going to be thrown into the trash and left behind, now was I? I had something to live for and I was not going to die alone on my own watch.

I looked around, nodding to myself. I would find someone from my class, possibly. Me and them would live happily ever after, right? That was how it was all going to end, and I would make sure of it. If I graduated without at least having one date with another person I would change my motives. Good thing our school had odd end days off where no one actually had to attend. But now I had to whip myself back into shape to go to school, so I had to be sure I was going to do everything just right.

Then my eyes saw the yellow hooded figure out of my eyes, except this time I felt nothing but completely hollow. I moved my way over to this person. I made my way over to them and moved the hood off of their head. Their skin was a dark red, and short black hair. Their eyes held a candy red wonderland. I moved away from them, waiting to see if they had anything to say today. They seemed to have something against me too, after all. So maybe this person would be willing to talk to me.

And then the yellow hooded figure disappeared. I quickly looked around myself and saw a large group of people from my grade heading my way. I let out a relieved breath when I knew it wasn't the ones from school who wanted to rip out my guts. They made their way over yo me, and one single male from the group made their way up to me. He opened his mouth as if to say something, and then that familiar black mist escaped. The group opened their mouths and black mist escaped from them as well.

I moved away from them, bewildered. I quickly held my breath and ran away from the mist that wasn't so slow anymore, and practically chased after me. I reached out, trying to find something to get out of the way of the mist. Someone grabbed my hand firmly, and yanked me to the side, I could feel my wrist slide out and back into place as they did this. They pulled me aside and dragged me behind a fairly large building, waiting a few good minutes before they finally let go.

I turned to looked at them, but questioningly, they were no longer there, that couldn't have just happened, could it.. I was just dragged into some mystery horror portal by an unseen force for no reason, right? That wasn't possible, I probably was seeing things again, maybe this all never happened, and I was still sleeping on my bed. I took a breath in through my nose, smelling pancakes and honeydew in the air. I shook my head, remembering something I had learned not too long ago. 'You have no sense of smell once you fall asleep.'

"Hey, you! What are you doing back here?!" A voice called out.

I WokeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora