8. Weak

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Jenna came up to the doorway and opened it wide, I smiled in response to seeing him. I lifted my eyebrows and made a motion with my hand to signal him outside. His parents didn't ask him why he went outside, so they must've not been here. It was perfect, I would kill him without any suspects, but first I had to butter him up. I had to make sure he felt safe near me minus the fact that I had now killed two living, breathing people and was planning on killing a whole bother new one, which was fun.

"Jenna, will you... Go on a second date with me? Just you and me, no psychotic murderous sayings from me, I promise." I said, crossing my fingers behind my back.

Jenna tilted his head in confusion. "Wait a second, who are you?"

"You forgot about me?" I grabbed his collar and brought him close. "Don't you know who I am?"

"I-I do, it's just. You seem. Off. You don't seem like yourself, Kieran, it's scaring me.." He spoke, his voice quivering.

"Scaring you?" I asked, pulling away from him and releasing his collar. "No worries, just regular old me."

I reached out, taking Jenna's hand in mine and leading him away from his house, onto the lonely side walk. I walked along with him, both of us letting out synchronized breathes as we walked. I watched the expression on his face start off and anxious and slowly slip into more calm and relaxed as we started nearing his favorite park in the small neighborhood, the only one we had. I led him over to the bench, and sat on one side while he sat across from me. This moment was perfect, I didn't know how to make it better.

"Where are we going to go now, Kieran?" Jenna asked warily, looking up at me.

"I'll take you anywhere." I smile at him, letting him feel more comfortable.

Jenna blushed easily and looked away. "Let's stay here. I don't need a fancy dinner or anything like that. How about just you, me, and the sound of the morning fading into night?"

"That sounds perfect." I said, clenching my hand into a fist underneath the table.

Then I let it all go. He flew off of the bench all at once, his body parts moving as he flew. I smiled, watching him collide harshly with the hard ground which was somewhat softened by the freshly mowed grass below him. I got up from my seat and made my way over to him, inspecting what damage I had done thus far. His left leg was bent at a painfully awkward angle, and I simply figured it was out of place but not broken. His nose spilled out blood that leaked over his lips which I could tell was broken. Not too much damage.

"W-why... ?" He asked simply, his voice cracking and words struggling to release.

I shook my head, making a clicking noise with my tongue. "Jenna just has to learn the consequences. You remember all the times you put me down, Jenna?!"

"Y-yes.." He paused, a smirk growing on his face. "You aren't any better then your father!"

"You think you're strong, Jenna? Prove it to me that you're better then me, huh?" I said, challenging him.

He nodded slowly, actually sitting up. I moved back, watching his leg move back into place, and his nose slowly stop bleeding. I could tell now that there was something up with him, too. He obviously had some sort of power like I didn't which was not too surprising after all that I have seen at this point. He walked towards me, grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly. I raised my eyebrow and moved my hand to surround him with something I could create or take. Nothing came.

He took away my ability to mend reality. He made it so I can no longer kill people as I would, but for what purpose did he do this in the first place? What did I ever do to him that made him want to be able to take lower from me in the first place? I was never actually going to go through with killing him because I simply wanted to play a little prank for the fun of playing a prank. Accidentally kill him, and revive him back to life once the voices had stopped messing with me. Of course I was no real threat.

Maybe he was going to be sparing.. He was just going to somehow rid of these new powers and abandon them. Or, hopefully he would give them back to me! I deserved those powers, after all. So what right did he have to take them away? I wasn't so sure at this point. But maybe I shouldn't get angry, he was the one with the power to change anything and everything with a flick of the fingers if he actually truly wanted to. As I was thinking, easily getting caught up in my thoughts yet again when Jenna's words interrupted them.

"You can no longer ruin anyone's lives, Kieran. And I going to make sure that no one ever does." He said, grabbing a gun from thin air with the powers he stole.

"N-no! Jenna, you can't!" I said, reaching out to him. "Please don't do it."

He raised the gun and pointed it in my direction. "First you, next me."

"Jenna, remember.." I paused, thinking for a desperate excuse. "I love you."

"Well you know what? I love you too." He said, moving the gun over to his own head.

"Jenna, don't do it! Your life is so much more important then any power. Jenna please!" I begged, tears rushing down my face.

"You act so helpless without power." He paused, tugging on the trigger just enough so it wouldn't shoot. "But it's over, okay?"

I shook my head quickly and my voice quivered as I spoke. "You can't..."

"I love you too... Goodbye." He said, pulling on the trigger, the gun going off and shooting into the side of his head.

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