7. Not Guilty

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My father quickly started towards me, a look of pure anger upon his face. He reached out to me, it was obvious he was trying to get his way around things. Silly father, had he forgotten what he had given me? Spiderweb-like silky thread wrapped around his hands, disabling his ability to use his fingers. The thread continued to his shoulders, making it so both of his arms would not be able to move. I could see him trying to move under the threads but to no avail. He was trapped and by now I could tell that he knew that.

"Are you scared?" I asked simply, my eyes meeting his.

He shook his head, a look of anguish on him. "No! You're... You're dead, Kieran! You don't deserve these powers!"

"Oh but father," I smiled, rolling my eyes. "It's too late to undo it. You're soul is mine, and your soul is going to help me, how does that feel?"

"I will never help you hurt anyone else! I am making sure this does not continue!" He yelled as loud as his lungs allowed him.

I shook my head. "Poor father, you're weak.."

He moves against the threads as much as he could which was little to nothing but costed a lot of effort that he shouldn't have already used up on his silly endeavor to be free. They tightened against him, quickly wrapping over his legs. They simply pulled off the limbs as if it were like cutting something soft with a freshly sharpened knife. My father yelled out in pain, his blood quickly pouring out leading to his oh-so-soon demise. How unfortunate that he had to die right now, we could've had more fun.

    I shook my head, moving away from his now still corpse. I wasn't crazy, of course I wasn't. I was simp,y doing what the voices told me to do, I was not crazy at all, I was only simply being what I was supposed to be. I wasn't a puppet, I could do what I wanted, right? I had my own free will to move and speak as I pleased, that was true. Except that freedom may not have arrive as soon as I had expected it too. Maybe if I fought a little harder back at them, I would earn the right to be free.

    But then the urges came over me all over again. The want to make someone's last moments absolutely miserable as possible. Of course I let my father off easily because he never treated me poorly during my life time, they never specified that I had to make them suffer in the first place. I would, however, make Jenna suffer as much as gosh darn as I could make possible for his body to survive through. If I could I would kill him emotionally first, but how would I do that when no one is left that he cares about besides me? He trusts me.

    Which is exactly what I wanted from him. I wanted for him to be able to trust me with my life and put him in the sort of situation that required him to do so as well. He would be back stabbed by his own first lover, and it would be absolutely glorious. He would fall down in his prime, or maybe he wouldn't. I still had to decide on that, what should Jenna's miserable fate be? I could take off his fingers off, then his goes. I could slowly take him apart piece by piece to make him suffer.

I moved out of my parents house, looking around. I knew Jenna house was a little further into town so I would have quite the journey to head there, thought it shouldn't take more then ten or so minutes. Nonetheless, we were going to have so much fun together. I looked around, noting that a few cars were now driving on the street. A few people were actually around now moving and continuing on their daily lives, they must have not noticed that in this small neighborhood there was still a lack of people around.

    I would probably be in trouble if anyone started to suspect me. I mean, the police just kinda laugh at me and walk away as if it's any other day talking to them so maybe I wouldn't be in trouble quite yet. But since I have now officially killed yet people, and I am going for the grand amount of three, because three is just a splendid number in my own personal opinion. Jenna will technically be my number four and number one, I already killed him once in the car crash but was miraculously saved.

    Too bad that saving of his life was soon going to go to waste. I remember me and him were going to spend our life time together. I thought about this as I made my way to his house, the sounds of the birds and cars driving by keeping me company. I thought about how me and his dream was to live together, even though we'd never be able to legally marry in our state. We'd be together without society knowing and we would get along with life, it would all be absolutely perfect.

     Then Jenna ruined it. I could remember each mistake me made around me now, everything he had ever done to me that made him deserve the fate that he was going to receive. I was not crazy, I was pleasing the voices in my head to make me feel more comfortable and not in agonizing pain. I had to remind myself of this as I made my way up to Jenna's house. I came up on the doorstep and made my way to the door at a slow and methodical pace. I reached up warily, my hand shaking slightly as a part of me realized what I was doing.

    Maybe I shouldn't kill him, I told myself all of the sudden, stopping my hand knocking about halfway into touching the door and alerting Jenna and possibly his parents about my presence. Should I let him live because he actually never even did anything rude to me in the first place, was he worthy of living past today? I was innocent, I am not crazy. Right, so if I killed him I could easily get by and be in no trouble in the near future. That would be impossible of course because it's not my fault.

    I reached out and knocked on the door, sealing Jenna's fate. "Oh Jenna, I'm waiting for you."

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