Chapter 6 Part 2

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Zayn looked up to the god that was Liam Payne, since the second he saw him, something clicked in him, just like they were Soul Mates.

" u-uh i-i g-guess." Zayn stuttered nervously, he cursed himself in his head, why was he stuttering all the sudden, he never did this before.

Liam chuckled lightly, he liked the way the man got nervous, he had those hazel eyes, raven black hair, not to tall, just the right hight.

"Oh i'm Zayn Malik by the way." Zayn said lightly blushing, forgetting to mention it to Liam.

"I'm Liam Payne, Nice meet you Zayn." Liam put his hand out to shake, Zayn gladly accept and shook his hand, he shivered a bit, feeling shocks coming from their touch.

" I know who you are, William is a big fan of you." Zayn said, pointing to William who was now asleep on the floor, he tired himself from screaming so much.

"Ag i see, was a little impatient was he?" Liam smiled looking at the little boy.

" yeah he was, it was a long day for him, a long day for all of us really." Zayn said yawning a bit, he just noticed that all Connor and Asher had fallen asleep too.

Liam bent down and picked up William and placed him on his hip and then put one hand on the stroller,"Come on Zayn, you need to get these kido's home."

Zayn smiled, Zayn watched Liam make a sign to Niall saying he was stepping out, Niall Nods, who was smiling like as a idiot at the two of them.

Liam walked out the door, Zayn following, they head out the door and went towards the parking lot, " So Zayn, where is your car?"

Zayn point over to where his car was parked in the nearly empty parking lot.

They walk over to the car, Zayn quickly placed Connor in his booster seat and buckled him in. Zayn went to where Liam was, who was struggling with getting the car seat out of the stroller, Zayn chuckled at the way Liam's face was in contraction, "Here, let me do it, just place William in the empty seat on the left side of the car."

Liam smiles, gladly helping the beautiful man, did he just call him beautiful?? He just shook his head and went and buckled William in the seat.

Zayn got Asher out and placed the base in the car, he closed the door lightly and looked at Liam,"Thank you so much for helped me juggle the kids."

"No problem, all the days work." loam chuckled, wiping his hand together nervously," I was thinking, well I was wondering, if you would like to go on... A date with me?"

Zayn was shocked, The Liam Payne, the god, asked him on a date?!

"I would love to." Zayn said, looking down, blushing a bit.

Liam smiled a big smile, "Alright, tomorrow at 7:00 sound good?"

"Zayn nods,"Ok, see you there."

Liam smiled, he grabbed Zayn's hand and pulled it towards his mouth and placed a soft kiss on his hand,"Until tomorrow."

Zayn blushed even deeper, Liam let go of Zayn's hand and walked back towards the stadium.

Zayn got in the car and sat there in shock.What just happened?!

He couldn't believe it, he looked in the rear view mirror and saw that they were all still asleep.

Zayn pulled out and headed back to the hotel for a well deserved rest.


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