Chapter 3

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An: sorry it took so long to update I promise I will update more often:)

Lucy pov

I woke up from the best sleep ever I don't remember the last time I slept that good. I opened my eyes and looked around this is definitely not my room Then I remembered what happened.

I looked at my waist Tanners arm was wrapped around it I turned around to look at him. I just looked at him for what felt like years.

"See something you like princess?" Tanner asked in a husky voice with his eyes still closed I blushed.

"Sorry" I whispered he opened his eyes.

"You can look at me all you want princess I'm all yours" I blushed again he chuckled.

"Are you hungry?" he asked and I nodded.

"Let's go get some breakfast then princess" I nodded.

I have no idea how many hallways I have just been through but I know there was a lot.

Once we got to the kitchen Tanner started cooking breakfast I chose pancakes because I have never eaten one before.

The pancakes were amazing I am in love with them After breakfast we went back into Tanners bedroom and sat on the bed next to each other.

"Princess" Tanner said.

"Yeah" I whispered.

"Can I mark you?" He asked looking at me.

"Why do you need to mark me?" I asked a little scared that he would hurt me.

"Because your mine and this is a way of telling people that you belong to me" he said.

"Is it true that when you mark me it won't be long before we um" I couldn't say it I was to embarrassed.

"Make love?" He asked I nodded.

"Yes that is true" he said and I could feel my heart beat going faster and faster.

"It will happen eventually and I know you feel something for me" I just nodded It was true I don't know why but I feel this connection to him.

"Please let me mark you" now he is practically begging me to let him mark me what do I do does it hurt.

"I'm scared" I admitted.

"Why are you scared princess? you know I would never hurt you" he said softly.

"I know it's not just the marking it's just I'm a v-virgin" I whispered the last part.

"Good that means I will be your first" he said happily.

"Have you ever kissed someone?" I blushed why do I keep blushing.

"No" I whispered and Tanner smiled and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Good" he said.

"Does it hurt when you mark me?" I asked with fear clear in my voice.

"Only at first" he said looking into my eyes and I couldn't help but get lost in them.

"But then it will turn into pleasure" I should let him mark me I mean it can't be that bad right.

"Okay" I whispered I can't believe I'm going to let him mark me Tanner smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen.

He picked me up and put me on his lap so I was straddling him. he started to trail kisses down my neck. I had to bite back a moan. he stopped when he got to the place where my shoulder meets my neck. he kissed and sucked on the spot then I felt his teeth graze the spot a gasp left my mouth.

"You ready princess?" He asked.

"Y-yes" I stuttered.

"Don't worry I'll be gentle" he said I just nodded not trusting my voice.

Then I felt his teeth go in and I gasped it was so painful. I tried to get away from him but he held me down and rubbed my back soothingly then the pain was replaced with pleasure. A moan escaped my lips and I blushed. Then I felt Tanner pull his teeth out.

"You did so good baby" he said kissing my mark making a pleasurable shiver go through my body.

He looked in my eyes "I know this is really fast but I'm in love with you and I want to be with you forever I love you lucy" he admitted and I got butterflies in my tummy but I don't know if I love him yet.

"I-I" I stuttered.

"Don't worry baby I know you don't love me yet" Tanner said with a smirk he kissed my mark again and I gasped at the feeling.

He pulled back and looked into my eyes then he looked at my lips then back to my eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" I was shocked that he asked I don't know if I'm ready to have my first kiss yet.

"I-I" I didn't know what to say I don't want to make him angry.

"It's okay princess I will wait" and then I realised that I am still straddling him. I tried to get off his lap but he held me down.

"You need to stop moving baby" he whispered huskily in my ear But I still tried to get of his lap.

"Oh god Lucy" he said and then in a blink of an eye I am lying on the bed and Tanner was on top of me. he is lifting his own weight so he didn't crush me.

"I told you to stop moving baby you have no idea what you do to me" he said putting his lower part on me I gasped feeling something hard on my private area.

"Sorry" I whispered blushing like crazy what is it with me blushing.

"It's okay baby it's a good thing" he winked at me and I bet I looked like a tomato.

"Can you show my all of your cuts and scars?" He asked with sadness in his voice.

"Why do you want to see them?" I asked.

"Please just let me see them" I nodded and Tanner got off me pulling me up with him.

He sat on the side of the bed and put me on his lap again I pulled up the sleeve of Tanners top that I am wearing.

Tanner held my arm as he looked at all of my scars I started to become really self conscious. Tanner must have noticed because he looked me in the eye.

"Promise me Lucy that you will never do this again" he said his voice breaking it broke my heart to see him like this.

"I'll try but it's not that easy" I said looking at my thighs Tanner looked were I was looking pain went through his eyes.

"Is there more on your thighs?" He asked and I shuck my head.

"Don't lie to me Lucy" he said his voice firm.

"S-sorry" I whispered.

"Baby please tell me where your scars are" he pleaded.

"On my wrist and thighs" I whispered.

An: I hope you like it so far :)

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