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"Morning victor" I grin while walking down the stairs

He glares at me and carries on making breakfast

"Ohhh come on dad, you can't still be mad at me for the prank!" I laugh

He carries on looking down at his cereal.

I walk into the living room to find Austin sitting on the couch watching Dora the explorer.
"Auusssttttiiiiinnnn" I whine "dads still mad at us"

"Well duh, we scared the shit out of them" he laughs

"I know right! They screamed like little babies!"

"Okay princess I gotta go to the studio for a bit" he says as he stands up and kisses my forehead

"Adios amigos" Austin yells and walks out the door

Mike walks into the living room and takes a seat next to me on the couch.

"So what do you want to do today kiddo?" Mike asks

"Eh I don't care really, we should probably go out soon and buy some food for the party" I suggest

"Good idea" he states "can you go over to Jaime and Tony's and tell them to come over in an hour and I'll start making you breakfast"

I nod and walk outside to the house next door to see my uncles, I knock on the door and it's opened by a sleepy looking Jaime in batman pyjamas

"Hey hime time"

"What's up sweetie?" Jaime asks while rubbing his eyes.

"Can you come over in about an hour?" I asked

"Umm sure, what for?" He asks

"No clue" I lied, this is only because I'm too lazy to explain... "Mike asked me to ask you and turtle to come over in an hour"

"Oh, well I'll see you soon" he says smiling and he ruffles my hair as I frown.

I run back over to my house and open the door and walk over to the kitchen where Mike is sitting, eating some toast.  He pushes another plate of toast with butter towards me and I sit down opposite him for breakfast.

"You know what I miss" I say absentmindedly

"What's that hermosa?"

"Marmite" I reply

"Oh... What's that?" He asks

I look away from my toast and stare him in the eyes

"You're kidding right?"


"Please say you're kidding"

"Sorry kid" he says "I've got no clue what you're on about"

"When we go out, can we see if they've got any British things in the shops?" I ask

"Sure thing, there's a touristy British thin down the road if you want to go there"

I nod eagerly and fist pump the air, I miss Britishness 

Sorry this is short,  I have a load of school stuff going on right now but I'll try and update as much as I can

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