Movie night

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Chapter 7

"Amy, you're living with pierce the veil!" She exclaims.

"What? Really?" I ask confused.

"Yes dumbass!" Jayden jokes.

"Google it if you don't believe me" Becca snaps.

I can tell she's pissed off at me for not believing her but my friends and I love to prank each other. It's our thing. I decide to search Pierce The Veil to make sure they're telling the truth.... Turns out, they were!

"Believe me now?" Becca says with sarcasm in her voice.

I laugh and nod.

"Guys I've got to go now, my uncles are here! Speak to you soon! Love you" I say as I quickly shut down my laptop, not waiting for a reply.

I run down stairs to find my family all in different onesies! They look hilarious and I can't stop myself from laughing. My dad has on a monkey onesie, uncle Mike has a giraffe onesie, uncle Jaime has a Mickey Mouse onesie while Tony has a turtle onesie on just like me! I run up to Tony screaming.


He instantly turns around and does the same. We have our own turtle hug before I let go and hug the rest of my uncles - even though it's only been an hour since I last saw them. We make our way to the couch and settle down, covered in blankets and all in a line. I'm sitting in the middle of dad and uncle Mike. Tony gets up to set up the dvd and sits down again on the other side of Mike. We begin to watch the dvd and it's amazing! I've never seen Star Wars before but I'm not going to tell them that till the end of the film. Halfway through the Star Wars adventure. Jaime pauses the film and we stare at him in confusion.

"Guys I'm hungry" he begins.

"Oh shit up hime, you're always hungry!" Mike interrupts.

"Noo I want pizza now!" He protests.

We shrug and give Jaime our orders and he rings the pizza place. We sneakily carry on with the film until Jaime walks in.


"NEVER!" I yell back at him.

He sits and pouts like a baby causing us to let out a few laughs.


The film is sadly over and it was one of the best films I've ever seen! I want to watch it again and again and again.

"Guys, I have a confession" I begin.

They all look over at me, ready to hear it.

"This is the first time I've seen Star Wars" I quickly say.

They stare at me in shock. The room is silent. Wow this isn't that much of a big deal is it? I look over at them again and it turns out, they weren't staring at me, they were staring at Tony!

"What the hell?" Tony retorts "What the fuck was your childhood?! Star Wars is the reason for life!" He exclaims.

"Yes I know that know but oh well, I'm sure I'll end up watching it a lot with you guys around and that way, I can make up for my childhood" I joke.

Talking about my childhood away from here clearing makes them uncomfortable. They all look upset and dads got tears in his eyes... I quickly change back to the confession subject...

"Have you got any confessions for me?" I ask.

They all look shifty and look around each other as though they were having some sort of non verbal communication. In the end they all nod. Well that was weird...

"Actually, were in a band. We're pretty well known an we're currently working on a new album called collide with the sky. We tour a lot too" dad tells me.

"Oh yeah, I know. You're pierce the veil right?"

They all nod their heads and grin - obviously thrilled with the fact I know of their band.

"Yeah, I love your band! I didn't realise it was you guys until my friends saw dad and told me. I don't really know anything about the band apart from your music - which is awesome by the way- so i didn't recognise you but I can't wait to hear your new album!" I told them.

"Do you guys want to watch another film?" Mike asks.
We nod our heads and look over at me, I guess it's my turn to pick the film and I know which one I'm going to choose. I highly doubt it will be popular in this house but I don't care! It's my favourite!

"Mamma Mia!" I exclaim and in return get a bunch of complains and moans from the guys. I run up stairs to grab it from my suitcase and we begin to watch, with me - obviously - singing and talking along with it. I know this film off by heart and I've seen it more times than I can count.
Halfway through the film I realise that everyone but me has fallen asleep. I try to get up and turn off the dvd as quietly as possible and I luckily manage to not wake up the guys. I settle on the sofa and cuddle up to my dad and wait for sleep...

Authors note:
Sorry this is kind of short I just wanted to update for you guys! Going to try and post another chapter today because I've got school tomorrow so there's less time to write :( you guys are awesome for reading my story! If you could leave comments and give it a star or whatever that shit means then it would mean a lot!

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