Put Your Faith In Me

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"Alright darling so I'm going to go home and get you some pyjamas and things like that and while I'm gone, Mike's going to be stay with you for a bit" dad says as Mike walks through the door.

"Hola hermosa!" Mike yells while walking in, holding up two bags of McDonald's

"Hey uncle mike!" I exclaim as he walks over to give me a hug.
I'm glad mikes here, I can always count on him to cheer me up.

"Now are you sure you're okay Amy?" Dad asks with worry in his voice.

"Oh shush victor, me and hermosa are going to have a great time" Mike answers for me and dad shakes his head while walking out.

"What's up kiddo? What did the doctors say?" Mike asks

"Well they say I have PTSD... That's stands for post traumatic stress disorder ummmm oh and I have to be on suicide watch for a while" I tell him.
Mike looks shocked but luckily doesn't question it, knowing I'll tell him about it when I'm ready to.

"Your dad's been on suicide watch before" Mike whispers

"Really?" I ask, not quite believing him.

"Yeah, twice actually, once when he was younger and once a couple of years ago" Mike stutters

We move on from the depressing topic and end up talking about music.

"Although I love being in pierce the veil" Mike begins, "I've always wanted to produce rap or hip hop music too... I'll probably never get to do that though, the fans would think I'm a weirdo" Mike confesses

"You mustn't let other people stop you having fun! If you want to produce new music then do it! Live your life how you want!" I argue

"You know what, you're right! Thanks Amy" he says giving me a hug.


Dad walks in half an hour later as Mike and I were creating an awesome handshake. He says he wants to make Jaime and Tony jealous as apparently they're having a competition to see who's my favourite uncle! I love them all the same... Even though Mike did buy me Mc Donald's....

"Hey darling, you alright?

"Yeah I'm fine thanks dad" I reply

"So, Mike and I have to go to the studio for about 45 minutes to talk about... Band stuff so you're going to have to be here on your own for a while, is that okay?" Dad asks

I nod and they walk out to leave, giving me a wave goodbye
I search through the bag of things dad brought over and fine my head phones, phew! I put them in my ears and turn them up loud enough to block out the noise of the busy hospital. Music has always relaxed me. Sometimes a bit too much.. Causing me to fall asleep....



Alsooooo as you guys are the best, I'd like to bless your ears with great music... If you could listen to a band called falling with style, then that would be amazing because they're gradually getting bigger as a band and they're amazing and they're also my friends! They're such nice guys and the deserve more recognition

I recommended listening to:
They day the earth stood still

It's an amazing song by them!

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