Not A Soul Could See This Coming

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Amethysts p.o.v

I look up to see someone who I thought I would never meet again. This man's my fucking saviour! He's my godfather?! That's crazy!

"Amethyst, is that you?" He stammers

I give him an awkward smile and a shy wave. Next thing I know he literally sprints to the bed and engulfs me in the tightest hug that anyone, anywhere, could ever give.

"You're back! I missed you so much!" He cries

I cuddle into his chest and I feel warm and protected here.

Dad clears his throat to get our attention

"Right well I'll be off then... So you two can catch up... Bye" he says, not trying to ruin the moment

"Bye" Austin and I chorus

Austin looks over at me with the biggest smile

"Hey Austin.." I say grinning just as wide. He doesn't seem phased about the fact I know his name, he obviously assumes that Vic told me and I'm not an obsessed fan...

"I want to show you something" I begin as I grab my phone and scroll through my pictures to find the time I met Austin at the end of the om&m concert. He looks over at the screen and looks baffled

"You're a fan?" He asks

I laugh at his confusion.
"Of course! That's why I was so shocked when you came in and that's how I knew your name"

"It's a small world after all" he jokes.
"So how've you been princess? We've all missed you so so sooo much!"

"Well I was stuck in the UK, in Wales to be precise. I wasn't too bad. I love the country actually but it sucks knowing I could've been here with you guys" I respond.

"So tell me something about you then, you're obviously very different to the last time I saw you"

"Well,I grew up in Wales, I can speak fluent Welsh which I'm planning on teaching to tony, I love music, I play acoustic & electric guitar, bass, ukulele, piano and I sing" I begin before being interrupted by Austin.

"You could start a one man band" Austin jokes and we both laugh, Becca, Jayden and I always wanted to start a band and occasionally practiced covers but it was our secret, we never told anyone. We'd all play a bit of everything, as they could all play the same instruments as me, sometimes I'd sing and sometimes Becca or Jayden would sing. It was fun because we all did what was best for us and our skill level. God I already miss them... Maybe I should Skype them... They love of mice and men too so a Skype call with Austin carlile would be a dream come true.

"Amethyst, what's up princess? You've been quiet for an awfully long time" Austin says, waking me up from my day dream state.

"Oh sorry I'm just thinking about my friends, I only had two though but they mean the world to me. I just miss them, that's all. You remind me of them too. They were so kind and careful and they help me. They love your band as well.." I say

"Well why don't you speak to them? You should Skype them now and I can say hi. If they like my band I'm sure they'd want to say hi" Austin suggests as if reading my mind.

"Are you sure?" I cautiously ask

He nods his head and reaches over for my laptop, passed it to me and I log onto Skype. It rings 3 times and I push Austin out of view, giggling just before Becca picks up with Jayden by her side. God I miss them.

"Hey guys" I say

"Amy! Wait are you in a hospital?!" Jordan responds with worry I his voice

"Did you cut again? I thought you were happy where you were" Becca whispers.

"No guys!" I defend myself "I'm fine, I just hit my head and got concussion.
I see them both smile and relax a little.

"So what's up?" Jayden asks

"Well I'm siting next to a certain someone who happens to be my god father and i would like you both to meet him!" I say while smiling

"Ooh nice" Becca responds "where is he?"

I pull Austin into view and he gives them an enthusiastic wave.

"Oh my god!" Jayden cries

"Austin!" Becca squeals

"Hey guys! I'd like to thank you for lookin after amethyst while she was stuck in the UK" Austin says

"Do we get a prize? You know, for being great friends?" Becca jokes

"Hmmm yeah okay, next time we come on tour, you two can get free tickets for a show" Austin suggests

"Thank you so much!" Becca yells.

I've noticed that Jayden has been acting weird for this Skype call... I would ask him about it but he might not want to say in front of the others... I'll ring him about it later..

Austin, Becca and I engage in proper conversation for roughly an hour while Jayden comments on the occasional thing. After a while, we hang up and Austin and I decide we're hungry.

"So what food do you want princess?" He asks

"Well I don't mind because all hospital food is pretty shitty anyway so it doesn't make a difference"

"You're right" he laughs.

"How about you text my dad and tell him and my uncles to get over here with some good food!"

"Good idea"

15 minutes later, my family walk in with bags of food and drinks in their hands. Wow that's a lot of junk!

"Hey guys!" Jaime yells excitedly.

We push the hospital bed to the side of the room and all sit in a circle on the floor. We begin to start emptying the bags and I find out there's enough food to feed the entire country! Wait no... State? Gosh America why do you do this to me?!
they brought fries, potato chips, soda, chocolate and popcorn.

"So Amy, since we -unfortunately- still don't know too much about you and you -unfortunately- don't know too much about us, well, apart from the fact we're awesome and like Star Wars..." Tony begins and earns a few laughs at the last bit " I was thinking we should play a game, something like truth or dare or never have I ever" he suggests
We all nod our heads in agreement as we re adjust to make a better circle.

"Okay so let's start off with never have I ever, of course the clean one. Jaime, you start" Austin says while looking next to him at the spiky haired Mexican.

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT WHEN YOU GUYS COMMENT!! Ahh you guys are the best 🎉💕 love you guys! Also this was hard to write because I literally know nothing about America and the good especially because in the UK, we call fries; chips and we call potato chips; crisps

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