five 〣 all my courage

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cw: sexual harassment 


Mission Creek High School Locker Room


1:00 p.m.

I hated P.E. 

It was, by far, the worst class I've ever had. 

I always felt disgusting, and always had to take a shower. I had just finished one of those showers now when I wrapped a towel around my body. I headed towards where I had left my clothes, but the door creaking open made me stop dead in my tracks.

It had to be a girl, right? Boys weren't...

Guys weren't...


I could only stare dumbly as Chase walked into the locker room. No. No, there was no way he was actually in here. My breath hitched, and my body tensed up.

He took one step inside, and it clicked. This was not Chase. I could tell from the way he walked and the smirk on his face.


This was Spike.

I took a couple steps back, nearly slipping on the wet floor. The smirk on Spike's face made my skin crawl.

"Babe, you should..."

"No. D-Don't tell me to do anything. G-Get out!" I hated the fact that my voice wavered, but it wasn't like I could do anything about it.

He growled, coming closer to me.

"You don't get to tell me what to do and not to do, alright? I could break you."

I inhaled sharply, taking a few steps back as well.

"Chase, this isn't you!" I yelled, harnessing all my courage to slap him across the face. He paused, and for a second I was sure he was going to break me in half.

Or worse.



Mission Creek High School Locker Room


1:07 p.m.

She looked so helpless.

"Please don't hurt me." She whispered softly, her bottom lip quivering. She was in a towel, and my stomach dropped.

What had Spike done?

"No, no, I'm not going to do anything." I assured her, trying to take a step closer to her. She tensed up, and I felt my heart break.

Spike had done this.

I had done this.

"Spike wants you. He's got eyes for you. We have to be careful."

She nodded, still keeping her distance from me. 

Something told me she wasn't sold on the idea of 'we'. 

I hated Spike.


Audrey's Car


3:00 p.m.

"You okay?"

"P-Please, just drive."

"Whatever you say, kiddo."

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