one 〣 take back a knock

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Mission Creek High School


9:00 a.m.

"Guys, I'm completely invisible at this school!"

"Chase, calm down." I suggested softly. Chase, Adam, Bree, Leo, Owen and I were sitting at school, looking at the Mission Creek yearbooks. And Chase was... less than pleased.

"If you're invisible, then how can I do this?" Adam said, punching Chase in the shoulder. I just rolled my eyes. 

Adam was... special. 

I frowned, "Okay. but how are you 'invisible' exactly? I mean, you're-"

He held up the yearbook in front of my face, mirroring my frown.

"Look, Chip Davenport! I'm a misnamed question mark!"

I cringed, opening my mouth to try & comfort him. Chase didn't deserve some of the crap he got. And while I was trying to find some kind words, the awkwardness was slowly but surely building.

Luckily (or unfortunately?), the atmosphere was broken by Principal Perry bursting out of the gym. I tensed up, along with most of the people around me.

"Listen up, snotbuckets! Don't forget to sign up for the Mission Creek Talent Show! Auditions are after school, and will be judged by moi. Chances are if I don't like you, you won't get through, and I don't like any of you, so good luck!" Principal Perry walked back into the gym, like a mouse retreating back into its hole. No, not mouse, rat.

Apparently, talent shows were a sore spot for Owen, because Principal Perry's words seemed to cause a burst of passion from him. He started ranting how nobody should be judging talent, there was no 'right or wrong in creative expression' and that sort of thing.

I could only stand back and listen while Bree looked completely starstruck. I guess this was her new crush of the... month? Or was it the week? I never knew anymore.

Those two walked off, along with Adam & Leo, which left, you guessed it, me and Chase. We couldn't stop nervously glancing at each other. The tension was like a bubble, and I wanted to pop it.

He glanced at me for what had to be the fifth time, rubbing the back of his neck subconsciously. Now I could tell he was working up the courage to do something. What I couldn't piece together, though, was what he was working up the courage to do.

"So, have you... um, finished your project?"

I shook my head, trying to find some sort of voice. Yikes, be bold, self! Be bold!

He nodded, and after a moment's pause, he spoke again.

"Would you be interested, and it's okay if you aren't. I get it, but would it be okay if you possibly came over to my house to study? Tomorrow?"

I sighed in relief. He wasn't telling me he hated me or anything like that. I gave him a broad smile, the gravity of the situation coming into play.

He'd asked me on a date.

Or... date? Was it date? Was it a 'get together'?

I had no idea what was even happening anymore but, hey, that's just my life. My eyes darted back over to Chase, who looked mortified. That's when I realized I hadn't given him any sort of response.

"Yes! I'd love to go over to, um, study." I smiled again, attempting to save the conversation. He gave me a shy smile back.

"Also when you, uh, there's... I have a surprise. At my house. For you."

to be together | chase davenport/readerWhere stories live. Discover now