nine 〣 make you miserable

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'They might even kick you out of their house, once they discover what you are. They'll hate you.'

  I huffed, and attempted again to open my locker again. These thoughts, and similar ones, had plagued my mind for the past couple of weeks. The holidays at least got my mind off part of it. But, once they were over, it was back to a worry frenzy. Making sure to never say anything about their secret or mine was becoming increasingly difficult. I sighed, finally getting my locker open, and taking my books out of it. I turned around only for my books to be slapped out of my hands. I frowned, and looked up to face Trent. That jerk had been treating me like garbage ever since I rejected him. "What the heck do you want?" I breathed. He chuckled,"Oh, nothing. I just want to make you miserable." I rolled my eyes, and retorted,"Don't you always?" 

  He frowned, and pushed me against the lockers. 'Really, again?' I thought. I glared at him. "I'm thinking you want to get slapped again." I sneered. He smirked. "I said you would pay for it, and believe me, you will." Trent released me, and I stumbled slightly. I brushed myself off, glancing around. Nobody saw it, or at least, nobody cared. I frowned. Adam, Bree, and Chase haven't been seen all day. I worry about them, constantly. It seemed like nobody else was really concerned. I think this might be a normal occurrence. I don't like it. The most logical explanation was that they were in a mission. I sighed, and went to my next class, hiding what made me different all the way.

(A/N: I am SO sorry for not updating in awhile. School & holidays have kept me fairly occupied. I also need to ask you guys, what should reader-chan's bionics be? It could be super speed, smarts, or strength, but it could also be any other bionic power. Brainstorm in the comments! I love all you guys, and thank you so much for the support this story has been given.)

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