Chapter 15

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"I been to jail" he said it like it wasn't a big deal.

"You been to jail for what?"

"Stop fuckin questioning me Nicki" I frowned.

"Why do you always do this? Every time I ask you a personal question you get all secretive" he didn't say anything but focus on the road so I just started drinking my milkshake before it melts.

Soon as he parked into my driveway I grabbed my food, getting out the car unlocking the front door walking straight upstairs. After I finished my food I just put it in the bag and sat it on the dresser I didn't even feel like going downstairs because that's where Meek was at or at least I think.

After I watched a couple of movies, Meek still hasn't come up yet I don't even think he's here it's so quiet downstairs. I was just laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling, I started to think about the future which made me think about college. I don't even know I wanna go this year, I might just take a year off but knowing my mom she's going to send me to NYU since I already got accepted and I'm going to have no say as always.

Speaking of my mom she'll be back in 6 days which is on a Friday, So Meek can't stay with me anymore. I can't believe I lost my virginity to him and my mom doesn't even know I'm dating him, what is life?


"Bey what are you doing here?" she walked straight in my house, I closed the front door.

"I missed you felt like I haven't talked to you in forever" I smiled, sitting next to her.

"Aww I missed you too" she smiled back at me then looked away then Double looked at me up and down.

"Stand up" I look at her funny but I stood up. She twirled me around, gripping my booty make me yelp. Then she looked at up and down.

"Bitch, why didn't you tell me" she swatted my leg.

"Tell you what?" I was clearly confused.

"That Meek gave you that work" she squealed.

"What? Nooo what are you talking about? I tried to play dumb but she seen right through me.

"Nicki why you lying? It's all over face, you walking a little funny and you got that goofy ass grin" I still played dumb.

"Whaaat?" I bit my lip.

"Nicki" she straight faced me.

"Okay okay" I gave up the act.

"I fucking knew it! You can never hide nothing from me baby" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah" I laughed.

"Soooo, how was it?"

"Painful but good I guess" I was uncomfortable talking about this.

"Good? That's it? Damn I would of thought he had you sprung, calling him daddy and shit" I chuckled awkwardly, turning my head away from her.

"He did didn't he?" She gave me that look like b tell the truth.

"It was only once though!" I exclaimed trying to get he to stop looking at me like that.

"And guess what? Ya'll gone fuck more than once and you gonna call him daddy over and over and over again" she smirked at me.

"Is that what you call Chris?" I raised a eyebrow.

"Yes" she said truthfully.

"I bet you just do Bey" I shook my head.

"Speaking of Chris I gotta go cause I took his car" we both laughed.

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