Chapter 18

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~~ Harry ~~~

I got out of the shower and temporarily put on yesterday's clothes. I had to do wardrobe changes anyways might as well leave it. Plus that would require going to my room, and who knew where Lily was at the moment.

I walked into the living room where Amber was sitting on the couch holding a sketch pad and a pencil. She was in an actual outfit contrasting her original pajamas she didn't leave yesterday. I smiled to myself unwillingly and immediately put my head down.

"So you're into drawing, huh?" I asked. She looked up to me surprised I was there.

She quickly put down the sketch pad and pencil face down on the couch. She stood up awkwardly as her eyes met mine. "I didn't know you were here."

I smiled at her before changing the topic. "Are you coming to the concert tonight?"

"I don't know," she said wavering. "Do you want me there?" She stepped closer as she shifted her weight. On other people, it could look weird, but on her, it looked adorable.

She stopped in front of me and tilted her head to the side. A piece of hair fell in her face. Before she could fix it herself, I brushed it away from her eyes and said for just us to hear, "Of course I want you there."

She smiled and nodded before going over to what she was drawing. She closed the pad before looking up at me. "Look away! I need to put away my sketch pad."

I sighed before turning around and placing my hands over my eyes as if I was playing hide and go seek with a little kid. I heard slight shifting before she said, "Okay! You can turn around now!" I turned back around and saw a drawer open in a small lamp table to the left of the couch that wasn't opened before. I pointed to it. "It's in there isn't it?"

Her eyes widened before demanding me to turn around again. I laughed to myself and followed her order until she instructed me to face her. She giggles as I turned around, and I joined her in laughter. She got up and walked over to me with confidience, "NOW you'll never find it." She said in my face. The word now was stressed and she smiled with glee knowing she won temporarily.

She must know I would look for it later, and I will find it. She said she didn't want it seen, but I could tell she was proud of it by the way her eyebrows were set when I walked into her drawing time.

"Can we go already?" I asked patiently.

She walked away and grabbed her phone. I wanted her closer, but we did need to go a few hours before for sound checks and to prepare in general.

"Ready!" Amber turned around excitingly. It was nice to see her happy compared to last night. Don't think about it, I thought to myself.

Maybe if we both just put these past few days behind us, and move forward, we can finally get somewhere. This time around, I'm not taking any chances.

~~~ Amber ~~~

I was backstage at the concert hearing the roar of the crowd and music everywhere. It was just me sitting there when I heard the door open. The boys were still on stage, and the stage crew was already stationed.

I turned to see Lily standing in the doorway sucking on a lollipop. I stood up and backed up slightly. She took the lollipop out of her mouth and let it dangle from between her fingers. "Aw! Little Amby-Wamby! How ever did you get backstage? They only let people they like here during the show," Lily said in a baby tone that quickly turned mean.

I clenched my teeth ready to slap her. She is trying to mess with you; she's just trying to mess with you, I thought to myself. It helped. A little.

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