Chapter 7

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~~~ Amber's POV ~~~

After Harry's rehersal, we strolled around going nowhere in particular. The street and indoor lights gave us vision in the dimness.

"Question," I was questioning his whole boyband experience since we left his rehearsal while he questioned my life. "Why don't you live in the same area as everyone else? I don't understand what's the big deal with that."

We had stopped at a small store to buy Harry sunglasses and a beanie a while ago, but he continued to stare at where he was walking. We were holding hands for reasons unknown to me. As long as it was fine for him, it was fine for me.

"It makes things easier for when we eventually leave our hotel. If we were all to come out at the same time, like in the past, we would all be bombarded. This way, it's... More divided. The crowd that is."

It made some sense, but weren't fans fans and would do anything to be with their idol regardless?

"Okay. Question to me now."

He stopped in his tracks. I had already told him my basics like my favorite color, my upcoming birthday, family back home, and whatever popped into his brain.

"I know we couldn't do anything today, but that doesn't mean we still can't hang out for a bit. How about we go to my place for a little bit?"

I bit my lip. I don't care how attractive he was. I didn't want to 'go to his place for a bit.' It seemed demeaning. Even for the girl who had been joked as the biggest slut in school. This is one of the reasons why I came here. I got a new start for a whole summer.

He could sense my hesitation. He immediately understood why. He looked at me wondering how he didn't see it in the first place. "I just want to hang out. Nothing more. I promise."

I let out a breath. I'm glad he wasn't that pervert womanizer the media has portrayed. He was a human; a human with flaws, but insensitivity was not one of them. I smiled before responding, "I'd like that."

I could see Harry's dimple exposed from his smile at the ground. We walked to his suite continuing talking the whole way.

~~~ Harry's POV ~~~

We walked around after my rehearsal ended. I could see Amber smiling from her seat eyes fixated on me. It felt good to get her smiling knowing I gave her the opportunity. Yet, for some reason, I wanted more. I want to hold her waist and tell her she's beautiful. I wanted her to feel the same way I did even though I couldn't even express what I felt.

The day was fading, and the streets had a soft glow. It was pretty romantic if you asked me.

Our questions to each other had died down a bit as we learned about each other's thinking and feelings. "Question." Her voice. It was beautiful, but I wished it was saying my name. I wanted to bring my eyes to hers, but I feared once I started, I couldn't stop. I decided to play it safe. "Why don't you live in the same area as everyone else? I don't understand what's the big deal with that."

I honestly wasn't sure myself, so I said the answer I had been feed. "It makes things easier for when we eventually leave our hotel. If we were all to come out at the same time, like in the past, we would all be bombarded. This way, it's... More divided. The crowd that is."

I didn't get the logic really because at that point the number of human targets would be focused and direct.

"Okay. Question for me now." She gave the opportunity.

I stopped. I had so many questions on my mind for her like, "Are you single? Do you feel the way I do? Can you help me understand these complex feelings you give me?" I decided to ask the question that seemed the most urgent. Will she stay? Whether it was for an hour or for a lifetime, whether she understood the depth to the question, I needed to know.

I decided to phrase it in a way she would know the meaning - at least I hoped. "I know we couldn't do anything today, but that doesn't mean we still can't hang out for a bit. How about we go to my place for a little bit?"

She bit her lip. She was so beautiful. I realized what she probably thought I meant. I made sure she was crystal clear of my intentions, "I just want to hang out. Nothing more. I promise."

She let out a breath of relief. She smiled looking even more perfect. "I'd like that," escaped her lips.

I smiled looking at the ground hoping she couldn't see it fully. I wanted her to know I was smiling from her agreement, but I was also scared she knew better than other girls. Other girls only saw the fame, and I could tell she saw more.

I pulled her hand in the direction of my place hoping to get there soon. The quirkier we got there, the more time I could spend with her.



Yay! A Harry part! I was thinking I should save it for later before realizing we should get a little bit about his feelings for Amber. I know it's short, but it's a filler with Harry's thoughts. The next chapter will be better!

Hope you liked it! :)

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