Chapter 14

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~~~ Harry ~~~

I didn't understand what was wrong with her. We had only known each other for a week, but I knew her enough to know this whole thing was shit. At least for the person I thought I knew. She was sleeping around and resentful towards me, and for what? I was still the same person. She was the one who changed.

I got into my suite and slammed the door behind me.

I didn't know how to feel. The worst part is that it was my fault. I yelled at her after the concert. Maybe if I didn't yell, she'd still be sleeping in my arms in my temporary apartment.

What about those snide things she said about Lily? We never talked of her. I didn't even know she knew about her! It didn't even matter!


I sat on the couch and called the number I hadn't dared to dial in months.

After three long rings, she picked up. "Hey Harbear! Omg! It's been forever since we've talked!"

At the time, I thought Harbear was cute and intimate. Now it sounded weird and flat out stupid.

"Hello Lily."

"How is that girlfriend of yours? Um. Amber, right?"

Just her voice was annoying. "She's fine. I want to talk to you." The first part was a lie. She said we never dated. Then was this some big game to her? Or did she see it as nothing more than a fling? The second part of the sentence was also a lie, but it had to be done.

"Anything Harbear! Let's meet up! Your suite? Mine? I'm in the area. Don't tell that little girlfriend of yours." She said it in a way that irritated me. Like we were fine after everything I gave into the relationship to have her crush it and have it fall and break.

"Cut the crap Lily. How do you know her? Don't play dumb, or so help me, I'll delete your number and never talk to you."

The other side of the line was quiet. "Harry. I have changed. I wouldn't hurt you ever. Last time you gave me no choice. I had too. Everything was too much for me, but I'm fine now! We could be together Harry! Just you and me. Isn't that what you've always wanted? Me? Us?"

I was the one to be silent. At one point that is all I wanted. Her. I wanted her to give as much effort as I was, but that never happens in a relationship does it? One always cares more than the other. Too bad I am the only one to get hurt.

"Too much for someone is a kid doing so much homework they can't sleep. Too much is when you overfill a glass. Too much of the spotlight, so you twist it into a way that only you benefit is stupid and selfish. I needed you! And you went behind my back and in front of my face to get what you wanted." I let out a sigh. Everything bottled up about everything had finally come out after months.

She thought everything was too much, the paparazzi, the lifestyle, the fans, yet she draws more attention to herself. Headlines everywhere were about us and 'Harly Splits After Lies,' 'Caught Cheating by Harry: The Aftermath,' and don't forget the classic 'Harry is Not Good Enough for Her.' One question remained. "How do you know Amber?"

"Ask her."

With that, she hung up. I angrily threw my phone across the room. It hit a wall and stooped down. Not my smartest idea, but I didn't care.

I could either go down and face them or stay up here and forget about everything and give her time. Neither of the options seemed like an option to me.

I went over to my phone to see the screen and back shattered. Shit. I tried to unlock the screen; it still worked.

I brought it back to my spot on the couch. After two minutes of not being able to see, I grabbed my laptop and signed onto Twitter.

Out of habit, I went on Amber's profile. I was about to go back to my profile when I read her tweet:

@AmberWinters630: @LilyBenson OMG WHAT DID HE SAY?

Not good. I looked through the previous tweets to see it was a conversation.

A whole conversation they had... About me.


@LilyBenson : Ikr! Loooossserrr! #wearenevergettingbacktogether like ever.

@AmberWinters630 : TEXT ME

The whole conversation confused me.

~~~ Amber ~~~

Lily texted me saying he called her and wanted to get back together with her. What is wrong with Harry? He didn't tell me they ever dated in the first place, and whatever he said earlier, and sympathy I held for him, is gone.

Thank goodness I have Lily.

If he is searching for something to fight about, I'll give him something to fight about.

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