Chapter 10

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A week had passed since the whole Big Ben thing. We are now in his suite just lying on the couch like we had done so many nights before. We couldn't be much closer than we were now. Everything in my life seemed perfect at the moment for once, and it was only the first week of summer. We still have the whole summer. His first concert is today, but here we are just lying on his couch. I didn't really know how to categorize our relationship. We are more than friends, Harry made that clear, but the extent is blurred.

I sat up in his arms and slowly crept out of his reach. I readjusted his hands and put the blanket back over him. He looked so cute when he slept. Since the Big Ben, I had brought over some standard supplies from my suite. I never slept there anymore, and I was fine with that. Harry was here and that's all I need.

I looked at my face in the mirror then turned on the shower. Waiting for the water to warm up a bit, I set out clothing for the day. I quickly brushed my teeth to get rid of any morning breath, and with that, I hopped in the shower. 

About ten minutes later, I was done with my shower, and I turned it off. The cold air was chilling outside, but I had to muscle through it. I grabbed what was now my towel and dried off. I tried to quietly get changed as soon as possible not knowing whether he was up yet. I found his room clear and began getting dressed in the clothes I set out earlier. After trying to dry my hair in a towel, I decided my make up needed to be in order. Walking over to the bathroom, two arms wrapped themselves around me. I smiled to myself before turning around. Harry's face was smiling in front of me.

"Stop. We need to get ready." I said unconvincingly. 

He smiled at me. It seemed he was always smiling, and I found it a cute gesture. He kissed my nose before asking, "You're coming too, right?" He put stress on coming. I thought about the blurred line on where we were. I wanted to know, yet I couldn't force myself to ask. 

"Why? Do you want me to go?" I questioned.

Harry turned serious for a second. I became increasingly aware of his arms still around my waist. "Of course I want you to go. I need you to go." He now stressed need. He needed me? 

"Okay... I'll come." I said with a smile. Harry returned the gesture. I could feel him lean in closing the gap between our lips, but I pulled away before he could. I wiggled out of his arms and went to the bathroom without saying a word. I could feel a smile form on my lips as I turned back to see an astonished Harry looking at me. I gave a small laugh before I put on my make up.


~~~ Harry's POV ~~~

I told Amber the soundcheck would only be a few minutes, yet it has been two hours. She just sat in a seat and watched, but I could see her patience already worn thin. She seemed too far. I didn't like it. 

As soon as we ended soundcheck, I tried to run to Amber knowing I was about two hours late when Liam pulled me aside. "What do you want?" I snapped. I kept my eyes on Amber. She looked confused, but she was smiling. 

"I have a question." Liam responded. Whatever it was about, it could wait. I started to move to Amber when Liam caught my arm. "It's about Amber." I immediately turned, breaking my eye contact for the first time. I looked at his face. He could see he had gotten my attention. 

"Yes?" I asked. The sooner this was over was the sooner I could get to her. 

"First of all, thanks for adknowledging me now that I said her name. Second," He started smiling, "Have you asked her out yet?" 

It was my turn to question. "What are you talking about? I told you what happened at Big Ben." I did tell him. I told everyone. I was so happy over that whole day that I couldn't stop myself.

Liam was trying to get me to see the big picture. "Yes, you did. It seems from the context you didn't ask her though. Did you formally ask her, or are you assuming she knows?"

I put the pieces together. He thought she didn't know whether we were official or not. I sighed with relief. "She knows."

Liam looked at me doubtfully. I could tell he was not agreeing with me. "Just... make sure she knows. You don't want another Lily." 

He brought her up. I tried showing that name meant nothing to me anymore, but we both knew better. She was a fan too, but she couldn't handle my lifestyle and found other ways to cope. Amber and Lily both are different from just another girl, yet Amber is different. I thought Lily was different than the others, and she was. She was worse. I couldn't see any of it at the time. Amber is not Lily though. It wasn't fair to bring her up. It isn't fair. "She's not Lily." I said sternly. Liam knew how I felt. Why bring her up?

"Harry. Calm down. I'm just saying --"

"And Liam... I'm just staying stop talking about her. She's done with. I learned my lesson." I walked off towards Amber not willing to take another bit of this conversation.

She's different. She's different. She's different. I kept saying it in my head until I forgot whether I meant Lily or Amber.



Hey guys! Oh my! So what's with this Lily?

Oh my! What will happen?

Second topic, the polyvore link I posted for this story is just...

I don't know about you, but I laughed so hard. I felt the need to write about it.

Third: Thanks to everyone who reads these stories I have up here! I appreciate it so much!

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