Ch3 New Places, New Friends

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Goku P.O.V

I then made it to King Kai's planet. I accidentally startled King Kai and Bubbles his pet monkey. "Hehehe, sorry King Kai. Sorry Bubbles." King Kai then responded while adjusting his glasses, "Sigh, Anyways, Goku there's a huge problem that happened down at HFIL." I then said, "You need me to go control the troublemakers again." King Kai then said, "Actually they're not there anymore." I was shocked, "W-What?! You mean they were brought back to life?!" King Kai then responded, "They were actually able to escape because of a certain villainous person from a completely different universe."

I then said eagerly to know, "How did you know if he was evil?" King Kai then said, "I was able to feel his power and it was strange but the only other way for you to get more information is by going to his universe because it felt like if he were dead." I then started to get even more excited about what King Kai was about to say. "And the scary thing about this is that he could even be more powerful than Cell or maybe even Majin Buu!" I then felt like jumping up in happiness to know that there's someone stronger out there than Majin Buu.

"Really?! That's exciting! I can't wait to fight him!" King Kai then hit me in the side of my head. "Oww! Why'd you do that for King Kai?" He then yelled at me, "Are you out of your mind?! We are talking about the fait of many universes! But it seems this will be the only way for you to be able to defeat this being now that he's with Frieza, Cell, and others your friends have faced." I then said to King Kai, "Don't worry I'll be able to get my friends to be involved in this so I'll have some help."

I smiled, "King Kai, I will defeat this enemy and put a stop to their evil ways!" I then was about to teleport back to earth as King Kai stopped me to tell me something. "Wait Goku. One thing I do hope for is that you gain new allies along the way. But anyways good luck and safe travels." I then said, "Later King Kai!" I then teleported back to earth.

Aizen P.O.V

Bobbidi and I have been able to nearly finish the new creation as I then knew that Ichigo and his friends would end up coming here to Hueco Mundo. So I gave myself an idea. I then went to tell something to the other notorious overpowered overlords.

"Alright, it is not complete yet but we need a little bit more time. So I'll take you all to Karakura Town where you will be able to fight a powerful sword user who has orange hair and wears a black Soul Reaper vest. He will also be with others who are his friends and are also powerful." I was then responded by Frieza, "First, before we go you must tell us a few things these Soul Reapers can do."

I then said, "They are master sword users. Their sword is not a normal sword, it is called a Zanpakuto. Their Zanpakuto can transform into a powerful state known as Shikai as the name of their Zanpakuto is released. They can also go through one more powerful transformation know as Bankai were the Zanpakuto is at its fullest potential.

They are also able to evade by using something know as Shunpo and can use other ways of keeping their opponents restrained and damaged with the use of Kido. So are you all ready to go have some fun." Cell then smiled at my quote, "Open up the way to Karakura Town." I then went outside as the rest followed me except for Bobbidi. I then opened up the sereite and informed them to continue to go through the sereite till they make it to Karakura.

I then said, "Make sure none of them escape your grasps." They all then flew into the sereite and I then closed it. Bobbidi then telepathically told me, "Mr. Aizen, He is almost complete. I must need your power to help me with the final task." I then responded, "Very good. I'll be right there." I began to walk back to the ritual as I then smiled. "He will be the new destroyer of worlds but also the ruler of the Soul Society as a Arrancar and a Majin."

Uryu P.O.V

Today was a wonderful day but it was also a strange one. No hollows appeared in the entire day. I've been having a strange feeling that the Soul Society must've been having more hollow problems since Aizen was defeated. "I would guess Ichigo is handling that with Rukia." As I was walking I accidentally bumped into someone and ended up falling down as the other person fell on top of me. "Ughh, sorry are you alright." I then noticed that it was a girl.

"Yes I think I'm fine. Thank you." She then noticed me and I then realized it was Orihime. I saw her face light up red and I myself felt a bit of warmth in my cheeks. We then both got back up from the ground and Orihime said, "Oh, Hi Uryu. Where you heading too?" She is a very pleasant person to be around with. I then responded, "Well, I'm just going for a walk. Where you going?" She then smiled, "Oh, me too. I'm just enjoying my day taking a nice walk."

I then decide to ask her something, "W-Well, would y-you like to join me?" Orihime then seemed to turn red again and then smiled warmly at my request. "Sure Uryu!" We were now walking together on this beautiful day as she then said something to me that made me glow bright red. "Uryu, is there a chance that one day we can maybe, g-go on a together." I felt happy all of a sudden. I then answered with a smile, "Sure, anytime."

We then continued our stroll until the sky opened up and what I thought was going to be hollows, instead was strange looking beings who didn't look like they came hear to Karakura Town and then leave turning Karakura Town into a giant crater.

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