Ch11 The Ginyu Force

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Orihime P.O.V

We began to make our way to through the hallway, as I then asked 18, "So, how powerful would you say these guys are?" 18 then said, "Krillin is the one who knows these freaks better than me." Then the bald headed monk then said, "Don't worry, throughout my training with 18, I'm sure that we'll all be able to take those freaks down!" Chad then said, "Let's just hope they've got nothing up their sleeves." I then began to have a conversation with 18 and said with a smile, "So, what got you interested in being with Krillin?" 18 just blushed a very bright red on her cheeks and then said, "W-Well, he rescued me." I then smiled happily and said, "Awww, that's so sweet and romantic! No wonder you love him, he must really make you happy!"

18 seemed to have gotten even more red, she then said, "Yeah, he sure does make my life incredible. So I'd be guessing that you have someone set in your mind Orihime?" It looks like the tables have turned for me. I then responded in a very shy way, "W-W-Well, I do have someone in mind who has a-always been there to protect me." 18 seemed to have gotten the upper hand and then said, "Oh, looks like you got yourself a raven haired guy with shining glasses." I then felt the warmth of my cheeks and then said, "How did you know it was Uryu?!" 18 then responded with a smile and said, "Well, you seemed to have been holding hands with the guy the first time I got here."

We both then started laughing together as we had a good conversation, especially about our boyfriends. I then realized that we finally reached our destination as we stumbled upon an open area with five people who then made an introduction. A tall red haired guy and a blue skinned guy both did posed identical to each other's as they said, "I'm Recoome! I'm Burter!" Then a short four eyed green guy and a red skinned long white haired guy then posed the same as they said, "I'm Guldo! I'm Jeice!" And finally a purple skinned guy with horns then posed in a awkward position and said, "I'm Ginyu!" They all then said in union, "We are the Ginyu Force!!!"

I felt utterly confused. As me and Chad were both waiting what would happen next Krillin then said, "Looks like you guys haven't lost any of your poses." Recoome then smiled and said, "Hold on now, don't get cocky here baldy, don't forget what happened last time when you tried to fight me. It looks like you got yourself a pretty good looking girl too." Krillin got mad and then said, "Don't underestimate me, I've gotten stronger since the last time we fought." Burter then said with a smile, "Was it your wife who got you strong, or was it you getting tired of being known as a weak link."

Krillin was about to step forward and fight as Chad then stepped up and stopped him as he then said, "Hold on Krillin, don't get carried away just yet." The purple man named Ginyu then said, "The man is right, alright then, Recoome and Guldo, you two will be one team and Jeice and Burter, you guys are another team, you all take care of them while I take a nap." Krillin then said, "Looks like you and I are a team here Chad." Chad then said, "Alright, let's do this Krillin." 18 then came up to me and then said, "Orihime, let's beat these freaks, and don't worry, I'll be right next to you when you need it!" I then smiled and then said, "Thanks 18!" We all then got ready for our battle.

Chad P.O.V

Me and Krillin were then confronted by Recoome and Guldo. Krillin then said, "Alright, listen Chad, you think you can take on Recoome one on one?" I then responded, "Not a problem. I'd be guessing that he can do the same things you and your friends can do?" Krillin then said, "Yeah, but he does have his own moves, a bit of advice, Recoome shouts his moves with his name in front of it. One disadvantaged is that you won't know what to expect from him." I then smiled and said, "Fine by me, because neither does he."

Recoome then began to step up and got ready to fight me. I then said, "You be careful against your guy alright." Krillin then smiled and said, "Not a problem!" He then flew near his opponent as I got ready for my fight. Recoome then began to snicker as he then said, "I guess I'll start this off!!! Recoome!!!!" I then got ready as I then got my right arm up and got ready to block Recoome's attack. He then yelled out, "Eraser Gun!!!" He then fired a massive blast out of his mouth as I then unleashed my power, "Brazo Derecha del Gigante!"

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