Ch5 The Call to Battle

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Ichigo's P.O.V

I was so close to the strangers who appeared out of nowhere and have strange reishi. "I might need some more help once I make my way to the strangers." The moment I made it to the area there where strange beings that I have never seen before. One of them was completely white skinned and had purple looking scales on his head and on his chest. I then said getting ready to battle with Zangetsu, "Who are you? What are you exactly?!"

I seemed so confused seeing these strange looking people. He then moved his tail and said, "My name is Lord Frieza. I have come here with my companions, Cell, The Ginyu Force, and the Doctor himself Gero. We are here because we were told by a certain man named Aizen that we would have a chance to do battle in this town." I realized that these strange alien looking beings were working for Aizen. "You'll tell me where that monster is right now and we won't have a problem!"

Cell then said, "We are not his minions, all we are doing is repaying him for freeing us from hell in our universe." Those words, "our universe" really surprised me knowing that Aizen was able to get powerful looking weirdos from another universe?! This isn't good at all. Frieza then said, "I guess I'll be first to battle against you." He began to fly towards me and was just standing in front of me while smirking as he waited for my attack.

I then moved swiftly and swung Zangetsu to his chest but I was completely stopped by him as he caught my attack and then kicked me in the stomach so hard it gave Yoruichi a run for her money. As I felt an enormous amount of pain the white lizard alien began to hit me with a combination of swift and deadly combat attacks.

He then whipped his tail and hit me on the side of my head and made me go flying to the ground. As I was in my crater I then yelled out, "Getsuga Tenshou!" As my attack hit dead on I then used a Shunpo and attacked the white alien being with Zangetsu. He went flying as he hit the ground and made his own crater. As I waited for him to attack me I didn't realize he was behind me.

I turned around as quick as I could to try and defend his attack but I got hit with a strange beam of light that came from his finger and ended up hitting me on my shoulder. It felt like a piercing spear that had the speed of light and the power of a Gran Rey Cero. I then moved back away from the white lizard alien and began to think of a strategy. As I was thinking I was nearly punched in the face and I was able to dodge it in time.

"Come now, don't start stalling your demise." I felt helpless as I couldn't escape and recover from all the damage I've taken from this ruthless beating. "Shut up! You can't beat me. I'll keep getting back up till I defeat you. You'll have to end me if you want to beat me!" As I said my never giving up speech, Frieza appeared right in front of me as his finger was on my forehead. He began to charge up another one of his finger beam attacks.

He then said with a cold smile, "Very well." I thought this was the end for me till Frieza then backed away with his other companies because he was forced to retreat from an ice attack. I looked up and saw another familiar soul reaper with raven hair. "Rukia!"

Rukia P.O.V

I saw the weird looking strangers and then saw how banged up Ichigo is from fighting one of them. "You idiot! You could have waited for me to get here so I could've helped you. Instead you decide to go at it alone and nearly got yourself killed!"

Ichigo then smiled and said in pain, "Nice to see you too midget." I then blushed and hid it away from Ichigo. I then asked the orange haired strawberry who they were. "Apparently Aizen brought them from a completely different world from their underworld." Ichigo also told me who they were. "The white lizard guy is named Frieza and is also the one who nearly took me down.

The tall green bug looking guys name is Cell, he seems to be much more powerful than that Frieza guy. He then introduced the other five weirdos and that they were called the Ginyu Force. That one guy though worries me, his name is Dr. Gero but I don't sense a single thing from him. He seems to know how to fly like the rest of them, but he might be a problem."

All of these strange people have powers that might even surpass the powers of a Soul Reaper. The bug looking guy then stepped up and said, "Alright, I've waited long enough and since another fresh fighter has appeared I'll ask if you are willing to battle." I saw Ichigo trying to get ready to fight again but I stepped in and said, "You will get a fight, but you will get a battle against me. I'll warn you to not understand me." Cell then said with a smirk, "I'll warn you that you will not leave this battle alive."

He then disappeared as I then felt an elbow hit me on the head. I then turned around and then attacked him with Sode no Shirayuki. He then blocked my attack with his forearm and he then spun around and punched me in the gut. I thought to myself how this punch would give Soi Fon a run for her money. Cell then started hitting me with a barrage of punches and kicks that turned into a combination of combat techniques.

As he was about to hit me again I used my Shunpo and then attacked him with Sode no Shirayuki. I then said, "Sode no Shirayuki! Tsugi no Mai Hakuren!" A larger glacier attack came from my sword. As I ended my attack I thought I had won as I saw Cell frozen in ice. I then realized that his body faded away and I then turned around and saw the green bug man in front of me with his palm on my stomach. He then smiled and said, "That was my after image technique. And this is something that me and my companions over there can also use."

Cell began to charge up a glowing light in his palm. Me and Ichigo may not be able to sense these guys powers but we can see how extremely overwhelming their powers are. As I was about to be blasted to smithereens a beam of reishi nearly hit Cell as he then regrouped with his companions.

Frieza then said with a smile, "Well, it seems like it's about to get much more interesting." I then realized that a raven haired quincy, an orange haired girl, and a tall muscular man appeared out of nowhere to help me and Ichigo out with our problem. "Uryu, Orihime, Chad!" Ichigo was surprised seeing his friends come to our aid.

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