Chapter 6

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Same Day(Afternoon)
We went back to their hotel and changed into relax clothes. I sat on the couch with my legs scrunched up. Zach walked in. "Can i sit?", he asked."Sure why not", i said and he sat down. We started watching a movie. He laid down and put his head on my legs. He smiled while I had no clue what to do. Should i push him off? Or should i let him? I dont know! I just decided to leave him. I got bored with the show, so i put on some music. We both got up and started dancing. I was spinning around, and i got pretty dizzy. I tried to walk but i fell into Zach. "Sorry bout that", i said standing up. "No problem, are you ok?", he asked. "Ya i think im ok", I replied. We stood for a few seconds just looking into each others eyes... His eyes are so blue! Wow... I never realized how amazing they were... Ugh! I dont know how I feel about him anymore! Its like one day I really like him, but the next I feel like he's more if a best friend! I really need to figure this out!

 "Hey do you want to go get some ice cream?", he asked." Uh sure let me get my shoes", i said getting up off the couch. I walked back to my room and grabbed my shoes. We left to the ice cream shop.We walked to the ice cream shop laughing and taking about random things. Once we got to the ice cream shop, we ordered. "Hi what would you like?", The man said."I would like a chocolate chip cookie dough cone please",I smiled. "And I'll have a mint chocolate chip cone please", Zach said. "Ok your total is $12.59",The man said.I went to pull out my wallet but Zach stopped me. He smiled as he handed the man the money. I smiled back, and said "Thanks but you didnt have to do that". "I know...But i wanted to", He smiled a bit."Hey do you wanna walk to the river?", He asked."Sure",I smiled.We walked about 5 minutes to the river. "I kinda wanted to talk to you about something",He says shyly."Um ok sure talk",I said nervously. "Well, Aria, I really----

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Hey everyone! OOOO CLIFFHANGER!!!!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I been pretty busy getting ready for homecoming but I promise I'll update more!! Remember to VOTE and COMMENT!! Love you all!!

Byee Ma Loves!!

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