Nightmare 30: Repose

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"This can't be real," he declared. "I don't remember it!"

"Yeah," you replied. "You tried to push me off the cliff."

The boy who cried wolf was getting closer to the woods and you didn't know how much longer it would be until the darkness sucked him and his innocence inside.

"I... I didn't really want to kill you, did I?" he asked.

"You wanted to kill me, Jeff."


"I would never do that!" he said, crystal bullets forming at the edges of his eyes. "You mean too much to me!"

"And that's exactly why," you stated.

"What?" he questioned.

"You wanted what's best for me, I guess," you replied. "You wanted to end all this."

Jeff looked perplexed for the following minute or so. The time ticking on the clock almost slowed down as he scanned the area and narrowed the line of fate even further. When his eyes glanced up at you, a repose began to run across your chin, circling the very colors of your expression. And a sweet, sweet repose was what you were in for.

"I don't feel like myself," Jeff finally stated.

You shifted on your knees and began to wonder what sort of thoughts might be triggering his insane actions. You were clueless about the years prior to his innocence, so it was hard to tell which traumatic experiences were appearing in his mind. Regardless, he was definitely going back to his older ways. Even you knew that.

"Why not?" you asked.

"To start, I don't even know who I'm really supposed to be anymore," he replied. "There's these conflicting voices in my head that don't make any sense."

"What do they say?"

Jeff swayed a bit and moved his eyes to your right. "They tell me to..."

"To what?" you questioned, already knowing the answer.

"They tell me to kill everyone."

That must be just a bad case of schizophrenia, right? Maybe paranoia? It wasn't anything permanent or paranormal, but why did it make him so terribly ill every time they popped up? However, if he was suffering from psychosis or any sort of mental issue, it would have shown during those ten days.

Unless those ten days weren't real.

"Hey, do you think that the doctor guy gave me like... insanity medicine?" Jeff asked, pulling you away from your cubby.

You slightly laughed at him and mumbled, "I don't really think that kind of stuff exists, but he might've injected you with something that makes you hallucinate."

"Oh, I know," he replied. "Lexapro."

"What is that?" you questioned. "And how do you even know about it?"

"I'm not sure... It just popped up in my head," Jeff sighed. "It's an antidepressant."

"And it causes hallucinations?"

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