Nightmare 22: Reliance

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"What the hell did you do to him?!" you shouted.

You heard a gasping noise come from the side.

Spinning to get a full view of Jeff, you saw someone else standing behind him. He reached forward as if to grab your hand, but his eyes were rolling away. A couple drops of maroon fell onto the wet, foggy, green grass.

The scowl behind the smile plastered to Blair's face was sinister.



That was the new name you gave yourself.

"It's really time to die now," Blair said.

With an animal instinct running through your brain, you unwillingly lunged towards the killer and tore her hands away from your accomplice. You were stopped short when a stinging fire hit your waist.

You tumbled to the ground and clawed at your side in disbelief. You felt the air in your lungs trap itself in the outside world as you began to regurgitate your feelings.

The entire seen showed up as a blur.

In little pieces of actions and in tiny hazes of vision, you could see Jeff on his hands and knees next to you. He was picked up by the back of his shirt and thrown onto the ground by a weak hand. Long fingernails etched lines in his throat as he began to fight back.

In slow motion, his entire aura changed. His eyes were a little bit wider and his expression wasn't anything related to sorrow.

He threw the enemy off of his chest and pounced on them like some sort of wolf. He ripped out black chunks of hair and completely disregarded the flow of blood that was escaping his exposed back.

You thought you heard the victim scream.

Jeff was practically eating them alive. He just kept going at it, not even bothering to stop and look at the art that he was creating. He was like a blind musketeer.

Someone else stood over you with a large smile. There was a surgical mask drooped about their neck and a couple spots of red drizzled on their cheek. The fuzzy outline of fingers made a waving motion above your head and then moved to their mouth as if asking you not to make any noise.

You looked back over at Jeff and saw him being pinned down by whoever he had been attacking. You felt your hand involuntarily shift towards him, but you were extremely weak. Your wrist crinkled when you saw his head drop to the ground in defeat.

You glanced back up at the person standing over you and felt your vision blur even more. They moved their hand over your eyes and shut your lids.

You awoke in some sort of dim room. The floor underneath you was as cold as ice and the air surrounding your face was like a chilled fog. You became fully aware when you saw the pool of blood underneath your back. A creme colored jacket was covering your skin, somewhat blocking more crimson to leak from your side.

You sat up in agony and immediately recognized where you were. You were sitting next to the kitchen cabinet in the hotel room. The freezer was wide open, allowing cold particles to escape and taunt you.

Sweet Insomnia [Book 2] [Jeff the Killer x Reader] [JTK]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat