Nightmare 10: Relapse

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Smiley spoke up and declared, "I'll have to bring him back to the cabin so that I can put him into surgery. You can stay there with us if you'd like, (y/n)."

You nodded as you stood up and stared at Jeff's cut.

You were honestly hoping that he wouldn't make it out alive.

Scratch that. He didn't deserve to die. He just didn't deserve to be around you.


You woke up in a fluffy bed that was sitting in the middle of a decorative, pure white room. The small window on the back wall was facing away from the sun, so it wasn't too bright.

You groggily moved away the covers and stood up. The blood rushed the your head slightly, but the brown haze in your vision didn't go too far before it retreated. You picked up a stack of folded clothes and took it into the bathroom.

You set the clothes down on the counter and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was a mess and you had bags under your eyes. You tried to wash off your face in the sink, but decided that it would be best to take a shower.

When you took off your clothes, a severe pain struck through your left side. You turned to the side and looked at your hip through the mirror.

There was a stitched up scar. How had you not noticed it before?

Do you want to know what made it even worse?

It was in the spot that Jeff stabbed you in the dream.

You breathed heavily in fear and got in the shower quickly. You didn't even want to know what happened. You just wanted to clean up. You were careful to keep your side out of the water, because you were sure that it would hurt if it made contact.

When you were finished, you changed into the clean outfit. It was just a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. Smiley said that he had plenty of other choices, but you didn't bother picking something else. You still wondered, though, how he had a bunch of female clothing.

You dried off your hair with a hair dryer and left the bathroom.

You remembered the night before when you brought Jeff back to the cabin. You were struck with fear again as you recalled that Blair was missing. When Smiley opened the door, her body wasn't there; only a pool of blood remained. At that point, he was telling you to go to bed and that he would take care of it. He did a pretty good job, as the living room didn't have a single object out of place. Then again, he has cleaned up a murder before.

You called out for Smiley, but got no response. Then you thought of the basement he had mentioned. You looked in all the closets, but you couldn't find any hidden stairs or doors. However, there was one door at the end of the hall that was locked. To your luck, when you checked Smiley's room, you found a silver key on the nightstand.

It fit perfectly in the locked door handle.

Half way down the stairs, you smelt the most horrid thing. You gagged and covered your nose. You had no clue what the smell was from, but it was terrible and gruesome. When you made it to the bottom of the steps, you turned the corner and saw Smiley going through some tools on a table. He had on a doctors mask and a lab coat.

He looked over at you and said, "Oh, hey, (y/n). I see you've noticed the smell." His cheeks got higher. "You get used to it."

He went back to looking through tools, and pulled one from the pile. "You can come and see him if you'd like," he said. "Just put this on." He picked up a mask from the table and held it out to you.

You stepped closer and took it from his hand. When you put it on, you were relieved to realize that it helped to keep out the smell.

You followed Smiley down a dark corridor and into a bright room. There were florescent lights on the ceiling spaced about three feet away from each other.

"He should wake up by tonight," Smiley sighed as he led you over to Jeff.

He was in what looked like a hospital bed. There were some tubes running from his wrist to a heart monitor. It was strange because he was in a human form. He hadn't been like that since Japan. His hair was brown and his skin wasn't as white as usual. His breath was even and slow.

"How is he able to look like that?" you asked Smiley.

He looked over at you and chuckled, "That's the one thing I can't tell you."

"Looks like black magic to me," you muttered.

"Well, (y/n)," Smiley said, "how do you think he was able to live after his accident?"

"Accident?" you questioned. "What accident?" You looked over at him and narrowed your eyes.

"Oh, that's right," he muttered. "You don't remember what he told you. Let's just say that he was supposed to die when he was younger."

He started to put on a latex glove as he said, "I pulled some strings and helped him and his brother make it out alive. I'm still not sure what happened to that sibling or what Jeff knows about it, but I have't seen him for a while."

You looked down, slightly confused.

Then you heard Jeff's heart monitor start to go off faster. You gazed up at him as Smiley rushed over to a tray and sifted through tools.

You got closer to Jeff and took his hand, trying to see if it would calm him down. You didn't know what to do since you had never known much about the medical field.

Jeff's eyes shot open and he sat up quickly, almost lunging towards you. He grasped your hand tighter and brought his face closer to yours. He looked at you with wide eyes and started shaking. The heart monitor in the background kept going up.

You started to breathe in fear as he said, "Don't trust-"

He stopped moving completely and the heart monitor died down.

You glanced over his shoulder to see Smiley sticking a syringe in his back. He pulled it out roughly and laid him back down.

You ripped your hand from Jeff's weak grip and backed up.

"Wh-what just happened?" you asked.

Smiley put the syringe back on the tray and said, "He was most likely having a dream, and when you grabbed his hand, he was starting to wake up. This made him carry out his actions in real life."

"So he wasn't trying to tell me something?"

"Of course not, (y/n)."

There was something else going on for sure. It sounded like Jeff was trying to talk to you. He was looking at you so deeply and you were sure that he knew it was you.

"Why don't we wrap up here and go upstairs?" Smiley asked politely. "We can have breakfast and talk about things."

"O-okay," you replied.

What were Smiley's intentions? He wasn't telling you the full truth either, was he? Sure, he hasn't exactly lied to you, but he has been keeping information, like about the cut on your side.

You followed him upstairs and you both threw away your masks.

As if he had known about your previous whereabouts, he held his hand out and asked for the key to the door in the hall.

When you handed it to him, he muttered, "I don't think he's going to last very long."

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