You're Pregnant (Part 3)

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- A/N: Sorry I've been really inactive lately. I just started school and I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Anyways, this is probably one of my favorite imagines I've written, and emotional daddy Harry has literally got my feelings all messed up and I really can't...can someone please give Harry a child? Preferably one that's for sure his. (*cough* Louis Tomlinson *cough*) Haha sorry okay hope you like this! Also I know it's only two months it's just the second part got a little long...
- Banks


You slowly opened your eyes, not very happy to be surrounded by nothing but empty white sheets. You slide out of bed, shivering a little as your worn out feet hit the cold floor. You wash up in the bathroom, trying to make yourself look remotely presentable for your boyfriend downstairs. After unwrapping your hair and moisturizing, you walk down the steps, Harry looking up from what he was doing to greet you with a warm smile.

"Hello, love..." He says kissing you gently, "I made you breakfast."

"It smells yummy. Can't wait." He serves you a plate of French toast topped with powdered sugar, eggs and a side of bacon.

"Harry, as much as I appreciate this amazing food, you know I can't eat all this."

"Yeah, I know, but something tells me peanut wants a treat this morning." He responds, handing over your vitamins and a mug of tea.

"Well peanut isn't the one that has to carry all the weight, mommy is."

"Well, even mummy deserves some sugar once in a while." He says kissing your forehead. Shaking your head, you shrug and devour the food on your plate. After you finish eating, you stand up to help do the dishes. As you're loading the washer, you notice Harry's gaze at your stomach.

"What?" You ask.

"You're showing, babe."

"Harry, I'm pretty sure the only thing my stomach is showing is the effect of eating too much fat..."

"No babe, look," he moves the two of you in front of the full length mirror in your living room. He points to your stomach. "That is not food, y/n. That's peanut." You take a good look at yourself in the mirror, and all of a sudden you being pregnant becomes a lot more real. You start to tear up.

"Omigod Harry. We freakin made a baby..." You say, turning around to face him and putting your hand over your mouth.

"I know, love." Harry responds with a smile. You rest your head on his chest.


"Mm hmm."

"I'm really happy right now."

"Me too," Harry respond, kissing your head. "Me too."


You can't stop bouncing your leg in the passenger seat of Harry's Range Rover as you make your way to the doctor's office. Today, you and Harry find out the gender of the baby, and to say you are excited is an understatement. You could finally decorate the nursery, you could shop for baby clothes and baby get more excited just thinking about it. You finally arrive at the building. Harry grabs your hand,

"You ready, baby?"

"So ready." You say smiling. Harry makes his way over to your side of the car and helps you out. He holds your hand as you make your way into the doors and grips it even tighter when you're called back into the room.

"Hello, ms. Y/l/n. How are we feeling today?"

"Really good, actually."

"That's great! And that little problem with morning sickness all cleared up?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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