You're Pregnant

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- A/N: Thanks to all the people that helped me come up with ideas for new imagines. They are in the works as you're reading this, and I think I'm starting to get back in the groove of things. This one was based off a suggestion from @DarylWife which was "the condom breaks and y/n thinks she's pregnant" I know it's not exactly that but I kinda put my own twist on it and made it all cute. Anyways I hope y'all enjoy it!  - Banks

Tonight has been a good night, for both you and Harry. Not only have 1d taken home 3 awards, but you are now able to say that you've gotten wasted with Rihanna, danced with Kendall Jenner, and gotten up on stage for midnight, drunken karaoke with Ed Sheeran. You stumble out of the posh, neon-lit club in Beverly Hills, Harry's hand in yours. Your body guard guides you and Harry through the dense crowd, which is no easy task, especially when intoxicated. You finally make it to the black car, overjoyed that you're not dead. Once the car is safely away from the pandemonium, you lean on Harry's shoulder, your alcohol consumption catching up to you.

"Hey Harry?"


"Before I forget, which I probably will tomorrow, I just wanna tell you I'm so proud of you and I love much."

"Thank you baby, I love you too." Harry kisses your forehead. You sit in silence the rest of the way, and by the time you were in the door of Harry's house, you were half asleep. Adamant on getting some sleep, you quickly put a bottle of aspirin and some water on the bedside table. Harry pads softly into the room from the bathroom shirtless, and suddenly you feel a little less tired. You remove the covers and walk up behind Harry, wrapping your arms around his torso and peppering kisses on his shoulder blade.

"Ya know, you don't have to wear anything to bed." You say quietly.

"Really? Why not?" He says slyly, turning around and rubbing his hands on the sides of your upper body.

"Just thought I'd save you the trouble..."

"I don't know, y/n, I'm a bit cold."

"I could fix that..." You slowly put your lips on Harry's, the kiss turning more passionate as Harry gently pushes you back on the bed. You strip each other down to your underwear and Harry's kisses move downward.

"You're so beautiful..." Harry whispers into your neck. You were about to respond, when suddenly you feel your stomach lurch. At first you ignore it, not wanting to interrupt the moment between you two. You felt it again.

"Mm, Harry, baby, stop." You pant out, squirming a little.

"Babe, relax..." Harry says as he continues to kiss you. You push up a little on his chest.

"Harry I'm serious. STOP." He pauses his actions and rolls off of you, a worried look on his face.

"Y/n are you okay?" You run to the bathroom, naked, and dip your head in the toilet, your sushi and alcohol making their way out your mouth. You feel Harry's warmth behind you, and he brings his hand down on your back, gently moving it up down. He pulls your hair out of the way. You finally finish, and slowly get up with Harry's help. You brush your teeth and go sit on the bed. Your head in your hands, you contemplate what you knew you had to do.

"Babe, do you need anything?" Harry asks you and you take your face from between your palms.

"Harry I need to tell you something..." He sits down next to you.


"I missed my period."


"I missed my period." You repeat emotionless.

"Okay and what does that mean exactly right now?"

"I think I might be pregnant." You speak quietly, afraid that you might lose it if you do any louder.

"Okay, y/n that's crazy...we've used a condom every single time and you are still taking the pill, right?"

"It broke."

"What?" Harry says, in shock.

"The condom! The last time we had sex, it fucking broke, Harry, and I didn't wanna tell you because I thought maybe it was just my imagination and I didn't want to ruin anything and I thought maybe you felt it too and you were just gonna pull out but you didn't and I'm not on the pill anymore because it messes too much with my hormones and--" you start to cry, "--and then I was late but I thought it was just my body getting used to not taking the pill and I've been throwing up everyday for the past two days. I almost took a test today but I didn't because I thought I was just being paranoid and that's why I drank so much and I'm sorry...I'm so, so, sorry..." You sob into Harry's chest, and he rocks you back and forth.

"Y/n, I need you to calm down."

"Harry! I may or may not be pregnant right now like this isn't the kind of thing  that you tell someone to calm down about."

Y/n, sweetheart, look at me." You stop rambling and look into his eyes. "First, I'm not mad, at all. It takes two to make a baby, love, and you know that we both want kids and are both fully capable of taking care of one. So this came a little earlier than planned? We'll figure it out. Second, you don't have to be afraid to tell me things, I promise I'm not going to leave you or be upset. Our relationship is based off trust and I need you to trust me. Do you trust me?"

"I do, Harry, I really do." He smiles and stands up,

"Good because we need all the love and trust we can get. And lastly, WE MIGHT BE HAVING A BABY!" He lifts you up and spins you around, and you can't help but feel pure happiness that the father of your potential child is this man, Harry Styles.

"Har--Harry..." you say between giggles as Harry peppers your face with sloppy kisses. He pauses. "I haven't even taken a test yet so don't get too excited."

"Babe take it now!"

"Harry it's 4:30am."

"Pregnancy tests don't have closing hours, babe, take it now!"

"My god, Harold, chill..." You say as you both walk into the bathroom and pullout the box. You look at it for a second before taking a deep breath and opening the packaging. After you do what you need to do, you set it down on the counter and set a timer. You leave the room and when you hear the timer go off, you swear all the wind is knocked out of your body. You look at Harry, preparing to ask him to go look because you were too nervous to do it yourself. Unfortunately he is fast asleep on the couch, little snores making their way out of his mouth.

"I guess I'll have to do this myself then..." You say hesitantly before going into the the bathroom. You flip over the stick, your eyes popping out of your head when two pink lines are revealed.

"Omigod, I'm pregnant." You whisper. You walk back out to the living room and straddle Harry's legs. You stroke his hair and gently prod him awake.

"Mm...babe what happened? What did the test say?" You slowly move the test from behind your back and show it to him with a smile and a tears in your eyes.

"Congratulations, daddy."

Should I make a part 2??

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