You're Pregnant (Part 2)

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- A/N: So since people liked the last part of this, I decided to do a mini pregnancy series!! Pretty much, each part will be a trimester and then the last part will be the birth and stuff. Hopefully, I'm able to keep up with everything because I am starting school, but I think this will turn out really well! Enjoy!     - Banks


"Okay Ms. Y/l/n it looks like everything is going very well. You're pretty lucky that the all alcohol you drank hasn't done any harm, but I still want you to take it easy for a while." You nod, and grip Harry's hand while lying on your OBGYN's exam table.

"Mr. Styles, I expect you'll be making sure she's well taken care of..."

"Yes ma'am." Harry says confidently.

"Remember, prenatal vitamins, healthy eating, small, and I mean very small amounts of exercise."

"Yup. Done, done, and I don't even exercise a lot anyway." You say with a laugh.

"Well alright, you two, congratulations once again and please, don't hesitate to call if you have any problems."

"Thank you Doctor Mills." You sit upright and Harry stands up and puts his hands on your shoulders. His exhales deeply.

"You okay babe? I know it's been a lot the past few days," You say, rubbing your thumb underneath his eyes. You know he hasn't been sleeping well since you found out you were pregnant and it was beginning to show on his face.

"Nothing, love. I'm just a little scared."

"Of what?" He doesn't respond and avoids your eyes. "Harry, you can tell me. You don't have to be so strong for me now. Tell me what's wrong, bubba."

"What if I'm a bad dad? What if our baby comes out sick or unhealthy and I can't do anything about it and I don't want their life to be affected by my fame and I don't want---"

"Harry, stop. You're going to make yourself sick with all that worrying and there's already one person throwing up in our household we don't need another," he cracks a small smile, "You need to breath, my love. You have to focus on the positive because the truth is anything could happen to our child. And that anything doesn't have to be bad, there are so many wonderful things that the baby could turn out to be, including perfectly healthy. So let's focus on that, okay? And trust me, you won't be a bad dad. Look at the way Lux adores you. You are capable of giving this baby so much love and affection and everything it needs and I know that she or he will love their daddy just as much." You smile softly at him.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" He puts his forehead against yours.

"You may have mentioned it before..." You giggle.

"Well, I love you, so much that I can't even put it into words. You make me so happy and I know you will make the best mother the world has ever seen." You kiss each other softly, lost in your love for each other.

"Okay well let's get you and peanut home..." You stroll out of the exam room.

"Yeah before we go home can we get a large fry at McDonald's. It's for the baby, obviously." Harry looks down at you and kisses your forehead.

"Whatever you need, love."


"HARRRRYYYYY!!!" You yell from your shared master bedroom as you try on another sweater. "HARRYYYYYY!!" You hear heavy footsteps dashing up the stairs.

"What happened, y/n, is everything okay? I have the doctor on speed dial..." He stops when he hears you sniff.

"Nothing fits..." You say quietly, curling your fingers in the ends of your freshly done African braids.

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