The First Date

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A/N: Hi! I hope you like this one! I had a lot of fun writing it. Also, if you can, please, please, pleeeeaaassse give me feedback, positive or negative so I can know if I'm on the right track. Thank you, lovelies!

Y/N - Your name, Y/BF/N - Your best friend's name, Y/C/N - Your city name


After your boss made you sort through what seemed like billions of public relations files, you finally make it home at 5:00 pm sharp. With only an hour before Harry arrives, you rush through your front door, forgetting about all your normal responsibility, your one priority making sure you look at least semi-attractive for Harry. Harry. The thought of him makes your heart race, your forehead sweat and thoughts of lust, love and even a little sexual frustration run through your head. You walked into your closet, which seems way too big at the moment and look around, nothing seeming good enough. For crying out loud, you were going on a date with Harry Styles, one of THE most eligible bachelors in entertainment. You know in the back of your mind it wasn't Harry that would care what you're wearing, but the tabloids, paparazzi and his fans.  This has happened to y/bf/n before so you know what you are getting into. You are nervous as hell, to put it lightly, and you can't tell if it's because you are seriously crushing on Harry or because of the fact that you're stepping out of the house with him. After about half an hour consisting of pulling outfit after outfit and an emergency FaceTime sesh with your y/bf/n you decide on your black and white polka dot skater dress with a net-like collar that shows just enough cleavage. Thank God for my think as you tie your hair into a half up, half down style, glad it doesn't take a lot of time. Finally you get to your makeup, the part you are really excited about. You do the basics: foundation, concealer, etc. and decorate your eyes with a bit of white shadow in the inner corners and some mascara to brighten and widen your deep brown eyes. You slightly contoured and highlighted your cheeks, not to much, however, because you still wanted to look as effortless a possible. Finally you got to your lips, putting on a red lipstick that you only save for special occasions. Your bright lips look amazing against your face and your skin has a dewy glow. Its 5:50, which gives you 10 minutes to make your house presentable. Five minutes later, you hear a knock on your front door and your dog barks loudly at the unknown guest. You open it to find a shy looking Harry, wide eyed and smiling with a bouquet of flowers.

"Harry! Come in! Welcome, welcome..." You say, hoping he isn't hardcore judging you right away.

"Thank you, love," says Harry as he steps in, embracing you in a tight hug accompanied by a kiss on the cheek. "These are for you," he hands you the flowers. "You look beautiful, by the way."

"Aw thank you! And thanks for the flowers. Just give me a minute to put them in a vase, then we can leave. In the mean time can I get you water or anything?"

"Um no thank you." He replies, taking a seat at the breakfast bar. After completing your task, you both finally leave your house. Harry parked in a visitor spot that was pretty far, so you both walk in 80 degree humidity to the car. During the entire walk, you silently pray that you makeup doesn't melt off. Omigod can he see my contour?!?! What if he notices my makeup is lighter than my actual skin? I mean, it's not my fault that it's a STRUGGLE to find makeup that actually matches African American skin...ugh this is so frustrating... After several minutes of internal agony about the state of your face, you finally make it to his shiny black Range Rover. Hopping into the soft leather front passenger seat, and him in the driver's, he smiles at you before starting the car and you drive off, eager for what the night holds ahead.


"So are you going to tell me where we're going? Or is this one of those surprise things that's supposed to woo me straight into your arms? Because if it is, I swear if you tell me I'll still be wooed" You say after you and Harry have been driving for about 10 minutes.

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