The Girl Who Can't Cut Fruit

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A/N: Just so people know I am taking requests because I'm sorta running out of ideas here! And thanks to the people that voted on my stories, y'all are the shit...💕

You and Harry lay in bed, your naked bodies tangled up against each other. The warmth of each other keeps you both comfortable, and you trace Harry's tattoos as he moves his fingers up and down the side of your torso. His green eyes barely shining from the small amount of moonlight coming from your window. Everything was quiet, the only thing being heard was the sound of your breathing.

"Harry?" You whisper.


"What do you love about me?"

"Everything, my love."

"No, I mean specifically..." Harry is silent for a moment. You think he's fallen asleep when he replies,

"I love the way you cut fruit."

"What?" you ask. Harry props his head up with his hand.

"Like when you cut fruit, you never know how to cut around the seeds. So you end up cutting a bunch of uneven shapes and it's cute."

"Gee, thanks." you say smiling.

"I promise it's adorable..." Harry continues, "I love the way you dance in the mirror when you're brushing your teeth, or never jump into pools."

"Harry those things are just embarrassing..." he shakes his head.

"But they make you different. They remind me that not only do I have the most beautiful girlfriend with the prettiest face and gorgeous hair and most amazing body, but that I am in love with a girl who can't cut fruit, doesn't jump into pools, can make the most perfect scrambled eggs I have ever eaten, will do anything and everything for the ones she loves, even her silly old boyfriend, and someone who is unapologetic about who she is and what she believes. That I am in love with all of y/n y/l/n." Your face heats up like a furnace and you can't help but smile and smother Harry's face with kisses.

"I think, Harry, that as my silly old boyfriend, you should know that you are one of the kindest, honest, most beautiful men I know and I love you so much." You lay down on Harry's chest and close your eyes. He kisses your forehead.

"I love you too y/n, every single part of you."

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