Meeting His Parents (Pt 2 of 2)

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A/N: OMIGOD I'm sooooo sorry for not updating in a week, I've been super busy getting ready for school and traveling back and forth for photoshoots. I promise I'll be updating more frequently now so please bare with me. Anyways I hope you enjoy this one, I had some much fun writing it and please leave comments and requests. Xoxo, Banks.

Okay, Y/dog/n dropped off at Louis's?"


"House dusted, vacuumed, mopped, etc."


"Brownies in fancy tupperware bowl?"

"Done. Y/n, stop worrying. We did everything." Harry looks at you, a concerned look on his face.

"I'm not worried Harry. I'm just double checking."

"Baby, you're shaking."

"It's a little cold in here..."

"You're wearing a sweater. Y/n, I know you better than that, there's nothing the worry about. My family will love you and your brownies. Everything will be okay, i promise."

"I know, Harry, it's just that they're your family and I love you and I don't wanna know what would happen to our relationship if they don't like me." You confess.

"You're a smart, beautiful, kind, positive down-to-earth person, and if they don't like that then it's them that have a problem not you love." You nod and loosen up a bit.

"How do you always manage to get me so...calm."

"It's a gift, I suppose..." You laugh and grab the brownies.

"Whatever. Let's just get going."

You guys drive out of London to Cheshire, your nervousness becoming greater and greater with every mile. Still you didn't let it get the best of you as Harry explains all the landmarks hometown.

"This is one of the most gorgeous places I've ever been. Reminds me of those cute little towns in Hallmark movies." He laughs.

"We're getting close ready?"

"As I'll ever be." He takes your hand.

After a 15 minute radio sing-a-long session in the car, you and Harry finally pull up to a quaint little house. There are bright and beautiful flowers surrounding the door. The house is some what comforting as you walk up the stairs to the front door, Harry's hand grasping your newly sweaty one. Harry takes the door knob and opens it, making you nervous yet oddly relieved at the same time. At least I've made it this far...You think

"Harry darling is that you?" An older woman's voice calls.

"Yeah, it's me mum..." Soon the source of the voice is standing in front of you, hugging her son tightly, eyes closed. The obvious love that they share is heartwarming. They release each other and Harry's mom takes a look at you.

"Oh and you must be y/n! Harry here goes on and on about you for hours on the phone..." Your cheeks heat up and Harry turns red. Harry takes the brownies as you and his mom hug and you say,

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Twist. Thanks for having me. Your home is lovely." She's smiles kindly.

"Thank you dearest and please, call me Anne...So, I hope you both are hungry, I've got some dinner cooking now and there are some snacks in the kitchen. Make yourself at home, y/n." You and Harry glance at each other as you both follow Anne to the living room and take a seat on the couch. Anne goes to fix something in her kitchen and comes back with a plate a veggies and dip. You take some, just now realizing how hungry you've gotten since you left.

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