Chapter 13

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-Sakuya's POV-

What am I dreaming right now..? It's dark, I see Kosi in front of me with the same swim trunks yesterday. Why am I dreaming this?! Is this just a repeat of what's gonna happen?! My cheeks burns as he crawls at me, staring with a smirk.

I closed my eyes, diminishing into more darkness until I hear a ringing through my ears. I finally snap back to reality, sweating bullets of droplets. I stop the annoying clock near me as I stand up from the bed. Jesus, I feel like I couldn't remember that whole thing, but it was most shocking out of all my dreams that I can barely forget a spect of it.

I let my legs take me to the bathroom and cleanse myself. After a nice warm bath, I refresh myself with some good-old clothes to cool myself. I did the usual things around when I'm not with somebody at the moment. Clean the house a little, feed Chase and maybe some play times, doing laundry, all the needed or not needed shit.

Finally, I noticed someone's phone on the coffee table. I grabbed it and it was Kosi's. Oh crap, did he leave it here when we went back? I'll return it to him later. I was gonna put it down until it starts vibrating. I check the phone identity and it was Unknown. I shivered as it might be private or something, but I chose to answer it and a strong British female voice comes up. "Hello?"

"Oh. You must be Alisa?" I answered. She exclaimed yes, yet asked who I was as well. "Sakuya. The guy you met at the movie theaters."

She gave a sigh of relief that it's someone she knows. Well, barely, but works. "I was wondering if you could give Kosi's phone to me."

"What do you mean? Shouldn't I be giving it to Kosi?" I exclaimed, already concerned. She only said she'll give it herself. I only gave the benefit of the doubt. She denied my choice of giving it to him myself. I didn't beg. At least, I wasn't begging in the very annoying way. Finally, I agreed to get it over with and gave me the address.

I thought this through. Not sure if Kosi's parents would actually like me. Maybe because of not knowing who I am. At least I still have that little promise that'll say I'm the person who Kosi tutors for. Now I'm thinking on how Alisa and Kiriko would react.

Kiriko, I'm sure I just open her Yaoi spirit to squeal. Alisa, I'm not sure. Unless she was obsessed with Kosi, I can imagine me running away in fear. But it seems like she's really nice. I only felt sad for Kosi since I think that person on the phone was Alisa. Slut.. That repeated a few times in my mind..

I just shook my head as I get myself ready to go to the given address. It wasn't a long way, just annoying how I have to burn in the sun a bit because I don't know how to drive. As I follow my own steps in my mind, I noticed a girl, passing out flyers. I went over to her. Might as well go to a festival for a little.

"Um.. Hi. May I have.." I paused. Maybe I could bring Kosi along. ".. 3 flyers?"

The extra is for Alisa, just in case if she wanted to tag along. I gave a nice thank you to the girl, turning my back and getting myself on the path I plan for use to go to Kosi's house. I look over the flyer.. Kun Festival.. I thought these weren't coming to America!

Well.. At least the words are Japanese. Otherwise, Kosi would get confused and very anxious of going. Then again, he'll see the provided specials anyway. I gulped as I speed up my pace. I look around the new neighborhood. Number to number, I finally found the number of the house.

Your Kindness is My Cure (KHMaster101 x Saku321 Fanfic) [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now