Chapter 9

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-Sakuya's POV-

I didn't see the point of Kosi removing himself from the room for his talk. Was it something important that he doesn't want me to know? I couldn't but sneak out a bit and see him standing, his back to me. He suddenly screams into the phone. It only sends shocks down my spine.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea. It was his business. I was gonna back away to my room, but once I focus more on what he was saying, I felt sad for him.. 

"Why?! You always leave me, and you now ask me THAT now?! What the fuck?! I wish I could forgive you and be more easy to be convinced, but hell no! What you did is never going to put you and I back together as lovers! I'm not going to visit this time! Don't call me back, you damn slut!" He hangs up the phone, breathing very fast.

Once the atmosphere calms down, I finally went back to the room quickly. I tense up as the creek of the door rings through my ears. I turn my vision to my side and see Kosi, staring at me. I felt like he was gonna scream at me if he knew I was eavesdropping. I turn myself completely to him, just having the choice to tell the truth or not.

Before I could say something, my mouth was shut once his words beats me to first. "I know you heard that."

I gulped, apologizing over and over. It wasn't my intention, but that's me. I always end up hearing something that I shouldn't and not stop to get away from the scene. I wish I could've gain forgiveness easily, but with his face in a bit of anger, I don't think I would even have a chance to gain it from him. 

I felt the warm tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't help but cry every time I feel like it's my fault. I dig my face into my palms, not wanting to see the rage that could come. But, instead of a yell of rage, warmth surrounds my body. Even with the warmth, I still stick my palms to my face like tape.

I felt the warmth slowly disappearing as I felt my wrists being grabbed, being pulled away from my face. I see Kosi staring at me, a little smile on his face.. I glare back, confused. 

"You're one to easily cry, aren't you?" A bit of rage wash over me as I complained.

-Kosi's POV-

I didn't really care about him hearing. I didn't want to, but I knew I was in clear sight for him to see and hear. And because I was screaming, there was a way for him to hear anyway in his room. He was crying, so I decided to hug him. His face was still attached to his palms.

I sighed, separating his hands off of his face, staring at him. Why not entertain? I manage to feel a small smile forming a bit on my face. With a glare, I say my words, already sending an invitation to see his rage side. I started laughing as he comes up with excuses. I dig my fingers through his hair like a little puppy. I even started doing the dumb puppy dog and it sets him off more.

I'll be honest, it would fit since his hair is pretty soft than I expected. I never really did hang out with boys as much. Girls on the other hand, I would hang out with them, just to have company. Besides, this is the first, running through a boy's hair rather than women's long or short hair. For Sakuya, it fits him.

I stopped and heard a slight growl from my stomach. I guess the food from the cafeteria or the few mini snacks Sakuya had didn't satisfied me yet. As I stand up from the friend, I stretched my limbs out. 

"Alright, let's go out to a cafe or somewhere with edible things." He stands up, in a bit denial. I knew he was shy, so I can't really judge it against him. Yet, I have my excuses too. "Sakuya, you can't always stay inside. It's time to go outside and feel the nice breeze. New adventures you know!"

He still look like he had some concerns, but he eventually picked his ass up from the ground, giving out that sweet smile. I just cheered and wrap my hand around his wrist, pulling us out into the open sky. I can tell he was shivering as he twitches a bit, striking a few vibrations in my hand.

I just rolled my eyes and pat his head with my free hand. Untangling my fingers from his wrist, we walk around, seeing around the neighborhood, park and a bunch of shops. I did have to slow down a few times since Sakuya kept walking at a nice pace. He hasn't been this public? Wow. I guess that's why he took computer classes.

"Doesn't Kiriko take you out as much?" I took my chances and asked a seem-like obvious question.

"Yea. But only with her is when I like being out in public a lot. When I'm alone, I'm just a coward." He answers, nodding sadly afterwards. I just pat his head once again, smiling.

"I don't care if you're a coward or something. I'm here and I'm pretty sure you'll be fine." He stares at me, giving the lovely smile my cheeks warms up from. Jesus, my cheeks are gay. Even with my gay cheeks, we manage our feet into the mall, into a shop.


I am sure that people hates me for being late XD

Very sorry for the mistakes! Just hope you enjoyed :)

Your Kindness is My Cure (KHMaster101 x Saku321 Fanfic) [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now