Chapter 1

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-Kosi's POV-

Another day of girls.. I don't know why, but I never brought myself to the love of women. I promise you, it sucks to have my life. I honestly thought I could make normal friends rather than a set of obsessive fans. I guess that wasn't meant to be.

I was so excited to finally get home and check my account on Wattpad. And of course, message Sakuya. He goes home early so I'm sure he has time for me. As I firstly type out my next chapters for my stories, doing my homework in real life and maybe read a bit, I finally type the first words in the message box.

"Sakuya? You there?" I typed.

"Hiya Kosi. I thought you would be late." As his words pop up, I couldn't help and just scratch my backhead. And from there, we just typed about our day, what's good, what's bad, all that. He would sometimes type a few chuckles, somehow making my cheeks warm. Silly me.

I was gonna type something until 1 message from Sakuya was posted first. I stop in between a sentence as I read the message. My eyes widen a bit. "Can we maybe try to see each other face-to-face?"

What was I suppose to say? I don't know what to type back! He waited for a response I bet as my hands hover over the keyboard. Don't know why, but shivering were included to my confusion. I just send simple words for my answer. "You sure?"

He types out a yes. I thought about it. Did I really want to see the friend behind the other screen? Does he wanna know about myself? Two questions.. Just those two questions put me in a twist of certain answers and such. I sighed, letting this go. Let's see what happens.

I type out a question, wanting to know his description on his looks. Though it says on his account, why not? Obviously, light brown hair, blue eyes and glasses. I told my description. Light chocolate colored hair and dark grey eyes.

"I think I bet you look cute with those nice descriptions of yourself." He types, adding a smiley face at the end rather than a period. My cheeks felt warm. I just rub my neck as I type out a thank you. I then heard a knock. Could be another girl.

I excuse myself away from the keyboard and look out the side window. Yep. It's a girl. I just want this to get this over with, so I open only a bit, revealing my vision to her. "Ma'am. What do you want?"

"I was wondering if we can work on a project together." Her voice sound like if she was trying to trick me into her bidding. I just slam the door, locking afterwards. I walk towards to my room, lit by the light of the wanted computer.

I sit my ass down and type a sorry and that I'm back. Unfortunately, he types that he forgot to do his homework. I poured a little in my words, but give in as I already knew he had left his computer. What to do is all I can say in my mind.

I lay against my chair, letting my neck lay a bit on the top rim of the chair. I spin myself with the chair around a little, thinking it would struck an idea of what to do. I pop my body up from the chair and walk out into the sun and slight breeze blowing by.

I breathe a light breath, enjoying the feeling and sound of peace outside of my home. I decided to go on a walk, so I grabbed my MP3 player attached with my headphones, lock my door and off I go. 

I wave to some of my neighbors or bikers riding by on the walk. For me being an idiot and now looking where I was going, I accidentally bump into someone. With a slight groan, I pick myself off the ground, facing a boy that was picking his stuff up.

I saw glasses on the ground, and by the looks of it, he's feeling the ground. I'm sure he's looking for his glasses. I picked it up, giving it to him. He wears it back on, standing up with some paper and books in his arms. "Thanks. And sorry."

"You're welcome. And no no! It's my fault that I wasn't looking at where I was going." I respond, but he respond back with the same excuse. We just chuckled at our silliness. Now that I study him more.. He's reminding me of Sakuya..

I mentally slap myself. Damn it! Keep it together! Although with my doubts and concerns, I manage a question out of my mouth. "What's your name?"


Very sorry for the mistakes that has occurred. I just hope that you enjoyed this! :)

Your Kindness is My Cure (KHMaster101 x Saku321 Fanfic) [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now