Chapter 5

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-Kosi's POV-

Once we arrived in front of Burbank, I already caught some girls' eyes. I can tell Sakuya was pretty scared. Well, I won't judge. He explained that he was usually inside of his house. Not a social person of course.

Maybe too much of a non-social person to be hiding himself behind me. I'm thinking whatever school he recently went to, made fun of him or something. He seems to be so afraid, now that we arrived here.

Why would he be? I find him adorable, even when scared, so it doesn't matter which way. Wait, what? I mentally slap myself. Seriously, I need to control myself with all the adorable thing. "Sakuya, I'll lead you to the office first, okay? Don't be afraid."

I look behind me while I walk up the stairs. He shivers a bit, but manages a nod. I gave a small smiled and pick up our pace by grabbing his wrist, running to the office. Some people were watching, but fuck it. I can place my hand on his anytime! Wait..

I shake my head a little and just stops once we're at the office. I wait as Sakuya gives the application and answer any other questions that wasn't on the application. Meanwhile, girls started to pile in front of me. I just sit on the chair, ignoring the girls and keep staring at the light brown boy.

Either way, I was annoyed by the girls. I don't know why. I was just never interested in girls. I use to in middle school, having that 'Oh! I'll find the one!'  bullshit. Even if I did find 'the one', I don't think it'll even go great. 

Lifting myself up once seeing Sakuya turning, indicating that he's done, I blocked some of the girls' faces out of the way to him. "Sheesh. I thought you were kidding about the obsessive girls thingy."

"Nope!" I shake my head, both chuckling. I like how he does over exaggerate about my life a bit. He thought I would be late because of him. I just ruffled my fingers through his hair, assuring that I can explain to my teachers about it.

Once I arrived to class, we separate our ways. Now I'm hoping for him to be safe.

-Sakuya's POV-

Once the door closes, a instant shock of anxiety shoots through me. I turn around and look at the map the office gave me. Maybe I should just wait at the library for now. Seems pretty big on the map. Let's see how it looks in 3D.

As I walk with my eyes on the map and the path through the hallways, I finally made to the library, and damn! It is huge! I walk inside, admiring the view. I'll be honest, I would never expect a inside balcony for a library.

Looking down, I walk down to where all the students sitting at soft cushion chairs, rows of books along the side. Well, for being new and not being in a public school ever since Elementary, this is the part I have to deal with: Actually meeting students on a better view.

I usually don't meet people. I mean, years of computer school. I don't usually see people. As I look through books, someone tapped on my shoulder. "Hey. Who are you? You seem new."

A boy of black hair and very dark green eyes, stares down at me, following an eyebrow lifted. "Um. Yea. It's only my first day."

There was 4 other boys behind him. I stayed a bit nervous as I grabbed one book of the spooky section, walking pass the guys, to an empty table. I sit, opening to the first chapter of the book. One thing I forgot, I never really got best concept of English, so I don't know bigger words.

I gulped and just try to read it. I failed. I didn't understand what most of it said. Because of that, I couldn't figure out the plot. I think if Kosi was here, he would try to help me understand. I could ask too, but I guess my confidence is weak.

I took my chances though, and went to ask a few people. I only got the 'Shut up, and read better' ones. Wow. Tough people. I let it off though and just go to the computers instead. I checked Wattpad and updated a story.

Afterwards, I went to the good-old friend profile, to Skylar653's RP book. I chuckled quietly once I see the SkyDoesMinecraft cover. Kosi had already set his RP comment. I type out mine as I laughed a bit at what I put in that little comment box.

Press 'Post' and it's set off! 


I GET AWARD FOR BEST SLOW PACE AUTHOR XD Very sorry for the mistakes accured. I just hope you enjoyed :)

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