Chapter 4

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-Sakuya's POV-

Weird. I usually don't feel this much warmth when I sleep. Unless it was Chase that scooted into the bed. I then heard a familiar groan. As my sticky eyelids tries to open finally, I was against a naked chest?!

My eyes fluttered open as I did a little yelp. Also, oh hell. 4:37?! I finally look up, seeing Kosi looking down back at me. "What the hell?! Wait.. Did we do it?!"

He chuckles as he shakes his head. I sighed in relieved. I asked him about why he was in my bed, half naked, and not at his home. "Well, it was raining hell out there yesterday, I couldn't go home at the time and you fell asleep. Couldn't help sleeping with you only once. Hope you don't mind. I made myself some ramen."

I sit up and see the bowl of the ramen smell and some stains in it. I rub my eyes as Kosi sits up, checking his phone. I spied on it a bit and see KHMaster101 as his account?! "U-Uh.."

"Something wrong?" Kosi notices my stares down on his phone.

"Nothing.. It's just.. That account." His eyebrow raises up in confusion. I think he got the point when he went to the Messages section.

"You don't happen to be Saku321, right?" 

-Kosi's POV-

Sakuya nods lightly. My eyes widen a bit as he gave a small smile. I felt like it was him all along, but I went along with my guts and mind. Either way now, he hugs me. I hugged back. "I never knew you were right in front of me!"

I giggled as I answered the similar answer back. I should've known a bit that this was the Sakuya I knew. His looks and such matches up to his profile picture. "But, hey. I thought you were in Florida."

"I moved to California. I just never told you. Or knew you were here." He chuckles as he stands up, grabbing the empty bowl. As he walks out to the kitchen, I let myself stare around the room, examining what was in store for my sights. There was some picture frames. I'm guessing the girl, that was in a few, was his sister.

There was also a big plushie of Sakuya. It said from Kiriko on it's knitted shirt. I bet he really missed her. Even his parents. I won't judge. I do kinda miss my parents myself, but they don't care about me. I mean I would've thought they took me along.

Speaking of parents, my phone vibrates as the number of my mother's phone shows the caller's identity. I closed the door, just to hide my conversation. At least I feel like Sakuya's not listening. I finally answered.

"Mom? What do you want?" I took the start with an annoying tone.

"Honey. Can you please pick us up at the airport?" I looked at Sakuya in one of the pictures. I really don't want to separate with a friend I just met. Honestly, they wouldn't let me go. I try to find an excuse to just stay here a bit longer.

"Uh. Mom. I have a REALLY busy schedule. Is it not possible for you guys to land and take a taxi?" I may sound a bit unconvincing, but it's worth a try. Bit surprisingly, she accepts that move, and hangs up.

After a few seconds or so, Sakuya came in with two plates of pancakes, along with the hungry tail-wagging Chase. The smelly goodness of the pancakes mixed with the maple syrup just makes stomach growl in hunger. Literally.

Sakuya chuckles as my stomach growls lowers its volume. He puts down my plate, along with him sitting next to me with his plate. Don't mind if I do! I literally dig into this glorious food. Sakuya's a good cooker, I must say.

"By the way, I heard you talking slightly from the kitchen. Were talking to someone?" He suddenly asks. 

I eat one sliced pancake piece before I answered. "It was my mom." 

"Oh! You slept last night here! Were they worried?" He response nervously.

"No, it's fine. I didn't tell them. And they're at the airport. I told them they'll take themselves home." I assured him. His questioning mind wasn't done yet. He also asked why I wouldn't pick them up myself. "I usually do most of their dirty work, so for once, I'll let them do something."

He just chuckles and continues eating. 

-Sakuya's POV-

As we talked about a few things, Chase ran to get something. He runs back in, dropping an envelope. I grabbed, ripping it open to a high school application. Kosi scoots closer and spies behind my back, even though I knew. "Hey! That's my school!"

"It is?" He nods in excitement. He grabs the paper and just digs it right in my face.

"Apply for Burbank. I honestly have no normal friends there." He's basically just slapping me with the application over and over. As I thought it through, I have mixed feelings. I'm only taking classes on computer, and it doesn't really get me bullies.

Then again, I've been through bullies before, so I think I can handle it. I nodded and he hugs me really tight. We laugh in excitement. 


Somehow, it was still early. Kosi actually fitted my clothes. Well, good. At least he doesn't need to go around naked. He kinda exclaimed that he shouldn't be late for school. I sign all the needed things on the application, so it's easy enough to just walk in new and fresh!

I didn't exactly buy a backpack yet, so I asked Kosi to go with me after school to the store. He agreed, complaining that there is no shit to do, and he had some girls chasing him if he stays for an activity. Yeah. What a great excuse.

As so, we went to his school.


And if you ask, yes. Burbank High School is actually a real school in Burbank, California. I go there XD Sorry for the mistakes accured in this. Just hope you enjoyed :)

Your Kindness is My Cure (KHMaster101 x Saku321 Fanfic) [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now