21- U is for Undecided

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I sort through the pile of wedding invitations heaped up on the table as Ed massages my aching back, an apparent side effect of being three months pregnant. My pen lies limply on the side of the sixty invites, and with a sigh I wish these invites would just write themselves.

"My God."

"How many to go?"

"Thirty-four," I mutter grouchily. "Why the hell didn't we print the names off?"

"Handwritten is more... Personal," Ed answers with a frown. "Do you want me to write some names out?"

"No. My back hurts. Please keep massaging it," I manage to reply as I grumpily pick up the pen again. I scrawl the next name across the page.

"Hayley Williams," I write in the best handwriting I can achieve. I love Hayley- our friendship isn't very public, but we're actually super close. Plus I have a huge passion for her fantastic band 'Paramore'. "Who next?" I check the list and write the next few names on some more invitations with a sigh. My wrist hurts so badly and the massage isn't doing much for my back.

'Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber'. (I'm inviting them both together, since 'Jelena' got back together in early May and have since moved into an apartment together.)

'Dianna Agron'.

'Calvin Harris and Ellie Goulding'.

Ed smiles at me over my shoulder, kissing me softly, knowing it'll be like some sort of pick-me-up for my grouchy mood. I instantly feel on top of the world, a billion times better. He pulls away and I flutter my eyes open slowly, grinning.


"We're getting married in two months," Ed suddenly whispers, and I grin at him, overflowing with excitement.

"We are."

"We haven't even asked for bridesmaids or flower girls or best men... We've only really booked the chapel and bought the dress."

"Which is beautiful, and don't you forget it."

"Yes, it is, but I know someone more beautiful," mumbles Ed seductively in my ear. I laugh and kiss him lightly before returning to the invites.

'Matthew Sheeran'. Ed's older brother.

'Abigail Lauren'. My best friend since ninth grade- I'd never skip inviting her.

'Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik'. I'm not uncomfortable with inviting the boys of One Direction; we're all still very good friends and obviously Ed is super close with them all.

'Nina Nesbitt and Ben Howard'.

'Gabrielle Aplin'.

'Mike Rosenberg'.

'Foy Vance'. I'm not best friends with any of them, but I know Ed is really close with them all from their various tours together, and it would be rude not to invite them.

After writing out every single name on every single invite half an hour later Ed and I find ourselves sprawling across the sofa together, chatting about the wedding. I'm carefully listening to Ed's current ponderings over who his three best men will be, as well as privately considering my bridesmaids.

"I definitely want Harry and Matthew," mutters Ed, shooting me an apologetic look. But I really don't care if Harry's his best man. We broke up just under a year ago- I buried the hatchet a long while back and I'm really not bothered.

"Harry will be a little wild. Sounds like he'll bring some much-needed life to the afterparty," I laugh, trying to make it clear that I don't mind about him. "And Matthew's an obvious one. Who are you thinking about as your third best man?"

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