The Last Battle

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Raven's POV

        Blood. That's all I could see, as I ripped off the head of another guard I was passing. My kind had been punished for too long for things they hadn't done. I could feel the rage boiling inside me, and I shifted. My wolf was bigger than ever, and I was running faster. Passing guards, I started clawing at the wooden doors that held the council inside. I could hear screaming in my head, as the others tried to reach me, but I could care less at this point. Giving another big claw at the door, it smashed open, and the council sat there, frozen. The blood running through my veins boiled, as I approached them. "COUNCIL, I HAVE COME TO DEFEAT YOU FOR YOUR DEFIANCE OF MY RACE!" "I WILL KILL YOU ALL, UNLESS YOU SURRENDER NOW!" The vampire lord laughed at me, and attacked. I dodged it easily. He seemed as though he hadn't had a good feeding in a week. I, however, had just drank an entire human.

Drake's POV

        We ran. We all ran faster than we could ever think. I could already smell the blood, and we were almost ten miles off. Alice, being Alice, turned to her wolf as she jumped, and out ran all of us. I sighed, as my hell horse appeared in front of me, and everybody else switched into something faster. We didn't have time to waste. I counted down the miles in my head. 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... The smell of blood greatly increased, and I almost gagged. All different races were mixed in with this. Could Raven really do something this big? I dismounted Void, and walked past the several dead bodies that lingered outside. Opening the clawed up doors to the Elders hall, I heard a loud cry of pain that sounded like it came from an animal. I looked over to see only the Vampire Elder standing. I gasped as I saw a piece of silver impaled through Raven's torso. I could feel the rage boiling inside me. I summoned two swords in my hands, and charged the Elder. Everyone was right behind me, and as I plunged my swords into him, I could see Alice and Skye crushing their teeth into him, and Draco in the back casting spells. I heard a last screech of pain, before I felt, and saw, his body go limp. I pulled my swords from his chest, and threw them into the air watching them disappear. I looked over at Raven, and watched carefully, hissing, as Draco pulled the silver piece from Raven's body. I could hear her whimpering, and I couldn't stand it any longer. I went over to her, and picked her up. She needed to get to a doctor, and fast.

Raven's POV

        I woke up with a terrible pain in my lower torso. I tried to sit up, but the pain spiked through my entire body, and I screamed. I felt something move on the bed next to me, and looked over to see Drake. I smiled as he looked up at me, tears still fresh on his face. "Raven..." He said, in almost a whisper. "I'm okay I think, just in a lot of pain." I could see more tears role down his face, then he pulled out his phone, and a few minutes later, Alice, Draco, and Skye were all in the room. I smiled at them, but could sense the sorrow filling the room. "What's the matter with you guys?" I could see small black dots on my eyes, but didn't think much of it. Alice was the first one to speak. "Raven, the doctour isn't sure you'll make it out." I stared for a minute trying to get my mind to process what she was saying, but it all just went out the other ear. "What do you mean, I won't make it out?" Drake was the next one to speak, and the last. "The doctour says you only have a few hours left before you die." At that moment, everything came back to me. The fight, the silver, the trip to the doctour. I remember it all. Horror spread across my face, and I burst into tears. This couldn't be the end. It couldn't possibly be the end. I sighed, and looked at everyone in the room. My vision was almost gone now, and I teared up again. "Drake, Alice, Skye, and Draco, you are all my best friends, and I love you all..." I was starting to run low on breath, and the pain in my body was rising majourly. "Please remember me as kindly as possible, and as the new Elder, I am permitting you all to be the new Elders." I held out a piece of parchment in my hand, that I had signed before this, not knowing what was going to happen. "You just need to s-sign it. Please carry on my lega...legacy." I smiled at them all before the darkness took me, and the last think I heard was Drake's voice. "We love you, Raven." 


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