The Fear of Loss

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I stood up and stared at him. He just glared at me while in attack position. Before I backed down, he pounced on me and began to snarl and snap at my throat. I couldn't move. I was so shocked that he had even lowered himself down. I felt pain rip through my arm, and I changed back. Screaming, he continued to chew on my arm. Alice started to walk towards us, but I waved her away and bit down to stop myself from screaming.
I remember phasing, but after that I passed out. I woke up with Draco sitting next to me mumbling spells to heal my arm. "Hey Raven, " He said quietly. "For some reason your arm won't heal up too good. You'll have to be careful with it for a while. I sat up and hissed in pain. "Where is he," I asked. Draco pointed through the closed door that led to the den of the suite. I walked out to see Takeo and Skye arguing and Alice standing in a corner glaring at them. I hadn't realized I was only wearing a long shirt but it didn't really matter. I walked close to Skye and tears started streaming down my face. "Why the hell did you attack me you ass hole?!" Instead of answering, he walked out. I fell to my knees, and Alice caught me. I cried until Drake came in holding Skye by the shirt, and pushing him into the room. Drake wasn't at the fight, or so I assumed, I don't really remember much. Drake looked at my arm, then back to Sky. He stared at him for a minute, then punched him square in the jaw. I could see the fire burn in his eyes. He threw Skye on the ground, and came over and picked me up. He set me on the couch and picked up Skye and made him sit on a chair across from me. "You two are going to work this out, or so help me I'm going to kill you both," Drake said. I started to cry again, and Alice sat next to me with her arm around me, and I stared at Skye. He wouldn't look at me, and I was afraid. "Skye," I spoke softly as I said it. "What did I do?" "You were with him," He said pointing to Takeo, and with that, he left. I stared at Drake and started crying. He looked at me sympatheticly, and I smiled slightly at him. After I was done crying, and went to my room and locked the door. I sat on my bed and stared at the floor. A few moments later I heard a knock at the door. I assumed it was Alice, so I opened it. Drake was standing there instead. "Oh, hi Drake." He smiled at me and sat down on the edge of my bed. I started pacing around the room thinking. Drake just stared at me. He looked worried. "Don't worry about me. It's nothing. I'm used to this." Before I could say anything else, Drake came over and hugged me. I was shocked. People are Molly intimidated by me, and they don't normally touch me, but I guess he had seen the horror and shock in my face long enough to realize I wasn't who I portrayed myself to be.

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