Love is Like a Storm

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(Written in Drake's point of view)

Everyone had ran off as soon as we'd gotten off the plane. Skye had said he was going to go buy Raven a present, so I was by myself. I wondered around the shops for a while, but nothing interested me. I decided I'd go to the Eiffel Tower and check it out. Unlike Raven, I wasn't afraid of heights. There was an elevator and stairs, but I decided to take the stairs to blow off some steam. I was about three stories up when I ran into a girl. She was maybe three inches shorter than me, with black hair, light blue eyes, and a strikingly great smile. "I'm so sorry," I apologized and picked up here stuff handing it to her. "It's alright, I should have been paying more attention." "No, it's all my fault. I'm so sorry. My name is Drake." "Hi, my name is Jade." I smiled. "That's a beautiful name." I said politely. "Thank you. Your name is drake isn't it. Derived from the ancient Greek language meaning Fire Lord or Fire Demon." "Umm yeah. So why are you taking the stairs? There's an elevator you know." "Yes, I know, but I needed some time to think, and most people don't take the stairs." I nodded and smiled at her. "Do you wanna go get some food," I asked nervously "Of course, I'm starving." We walked down to a small coffee shop and ate some food.

(Ravens point of view)

Everything here was amazing. I had taken a few French lessons, so I knew a little bit, but luckily since Paris was a tourist town, most everybody spoke some English. I had bought a new pair of heeled boots, and a strapless dress, just in case Alice and I decided to go clubbing. I wasn't thinking about why we were her. I was just thinking about how much fun we could all have. I waited by the fountain where most of us had split up and waited for Alice. She arrived just as I had sit down. "Did you get us reservations?" Yes, but they only had three rooms available." I nodded. "So where's the hotel, I wanna put this stuff up." "Follow me." I followed Alice to a large four story hotel and she took us up to the fourth story. We have a sweet and two regular rooms. I prefer one of the regular rooms, so you and Skye can have the sweet." She winked at me and handed me a key card. I opened up the room and walked in. I was amazed at how big it was. "How much did this cost?" " Not much, the sweet was an upgrade from the four rooms I bought." I laughed, dumped my stuff in the closet and flopped onto the bed. Shopping was tiring. I wonder where everybody is. I fell asleep shortly after. I was tired from flying.

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