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A/N Hey guys, Yoriko here, I just wanted to say that I'm planning on ending the book at twenty chapters, or maybe even this chapter. I'm not sure that I can't keep going with the plot. Let's just say a lot of this was based off of my life, and ever since my break up, I've gone a little crazy. Thanks for all the reads though.

Raven's POV

        I knew they would rest, but I had a five day journey ahead of me. Hopefully, they think I will keep my strength up by sleeping. What they don't know, is that I killed a person drinking all of her blood. I don't need sleep. I think the girl's name was Alice. I felt bad for doing it, but she was the first person I saw, on my way out into the forest. Not to mention, she saw me in my wolf form. I stopped, and sniffed the ground. There was a hint of Alice's dad. Scent's can be picked up as far back as months, depending on how good your sense of smell is. Following the scent, I continued to run. 

Drakes POV

        That night, I woke up startled. Demons could see from other peoples eyes when they were asleep. Raven was mixing her two forms, and that wasn't good. If she got pissed enough, she might kill herself. Half breeds... weren't mean't to exist. I knew that it sounded mean, but it was true. She was still running. We needed to start catching up to her, or she'd get there a few days before we do. 

        I woke up everyone, and summoned a few hell horses. They won't run as fast as her, but we'll be there half an hour after her. Skye looked at me, and I nodded. I think he understood. Even though they had broken up, Skye and Raven still had a connection. Everyone got on a horse, and Skye pointed us in the direction we needed to go. 

A/N Okay guys, this is just a little filler chapter, because I decided I wanted to do one more chapter. Also I love to make people mad because I made a little cliff hanger HON HON HON (evil french laughing). Anyway, I really just can't get any good idea's for this book anymore, but I've got a great ending planned. Thanks for the support!!!!!!


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